Recent content by pelastration

  1. pelastration

    News What is wrong with the US economy? Part 2

    Wall Street?" !
  2. pelastration

    Frank Wilczek's Vision: Exploring Grid Theory & Quantum Gravity

    Seems to me as the container is the grid. Massless. And the grid/container is dynamic, and only energy. Where by a kind of entanglement the grid "makes" massless gluons and nearly massless quarks. They combine to protons, neutrons.
  3. pelastration

    C, P, and T of Braid Excitations in Quantum Gravity (Song He, Yidun Wan)

    Kea, are electrons in your opinion gravitationally clustered in your system? IMO, attraction - the only real everlasting principle - should be included in each analysis. dirk
  4. pelastration

    New stuff happening in Quantum Gravity

    Riemann originally used a crumpled paper sheet (becoming a multilayered ball) to explain hidden and added dimensions. You can interpret this as folded subsets (local origami), not just spheres. A 2D-membrane can create that way - locally - 3D-subsets. The 3D-subsets are however still...
  5. pelastration

    News Why do terrorists target civilians?

    That strategy versus Ira: That was 1980-90 but with Internet everything changed. You really think Aljazeera will stop talking about brutalities of occupying forces, and only will report futilities like that a waterpipe was fixed in the small village xyz, and stop reporting about carbombs, etc...
  6. pelastration

    Edge Dinner Talk: Greene Surrenders on String Theory Claims

    Josh, your bring string theory in a religious perspective. Is that intentional? ;-)
  7. pelastration

    News What if Bush and Cheney ARE delusional?

    Interesting to go back in time! A thread of 2003: Send our boys home?
  8. pelastration

    Blog Wars: Woit and Smolin vs Motl

    BW, Maybe it's very good marketing. Look how much is published. Every string expert published at least one book, to become mainstream popular, gain status and make extra money. Brian Greene had his own TV show. Interviews. It's big business; yes maybe playing on the human need to have some...
  9. pelastration

    Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

    Yes Ivan, I know. And I accepted them.o:)
  10. pelastration

    Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

    :cool: Jesus! Is this reincarnation or déja-vu? I should also add that this is very moving and difficult to shake. To this day, in spite of everything that I have said here, your post activates particular memories. It must be an experience I had heard during mainstream discussions about how...
  11. pelastration

    Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

    And Ivan, if we are in the "Scepticism and debunking" area, can't we give pro's and cont's? And motivate them! o:) Like in the US senate.
  12. pelastration

    Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

    Ivan, I am very carfull not to post here my theory! Some moderators would love to ban me. I know. :smile: Strange however that some guys - phd's - with absolute crazy ideas, like a mathematical universe, are given space in awe. :smile: Oh, I loved PF in the old days! That was a...
  13. pelastration

    Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

    Evo, you delete your post? Why?
  14. pelastration

    Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

    Worms seem to be very popular. :-p Here is another one: Amrit Sorli, A New Understanding of Time and Gravitation in Physics In The Model of The Dynamic Equilibrium the gravitational field functions as the carrier of the cosmic consciousness and is simultaneously connected to the...
  15. pelastration

    Belief in Reincarnation Tied to Memory Errors

    ? Please explain. Are you alluding on some quantum superposition, or other magic stuff? :shy: