Recent content by pbeierle

  1. P

    A Understanding Spectral Coherence w/ Radiation Sources

    What is the relationship between spectral coherence with respect to a radiation source's mean wavelength and bandwidth? I have no idea how to estimate, given a particular radiation spectrum from a source, what it's spectral coherence is going to be.
  2. P

    Quantum mechanical coupling/excitation

    yes, this is very close to what I was referring to, thanks :)
  3. P

    Alternating current and rectifiers

    I was at a symposium the other day where the speaker was discussing the ability to create an AC current using a piezoelectric material, and this can be used to create or replace batteries. One of the professors stopped him and mentioned that this is not possible unless the voltage is at few...
  4. P

    Integral/ electrostatic difficulty

    I have a little trouble solving Electrostatic problems (at undergraduate level) that involve volume or surface integrals when there are normal vectors involved, and one must (normally) dot this with a vector field (such as electric field) when one cannot use Gauss's law. one such example I...
  5. P

    Radial equation for atoms that are not hydrogen?

    sorry, i guess I was not very clear. As Am-241 undergoes alpha decay to Np-237, x-rays are emitted and can be detected. These xrays are not gamma rays that come from the nucleus as one might initially think. The electrons in the Am atom have a certain energy whose wavefunction depends on the...
  6. P

    Radial equation for atoms that are not hydrogen?

    I need to find the characteristic xray frequencies from the emitted electrons as they move from their original orbits in Am-241 to their lower energy orbits in Np-237. My thought was I can calculate the wavelengh of these electrons knowing their radial equations, and calculate the frequency...
  7. P

    Radial equation for atoms that are not hydrogen?

    So I've seen radial equations for Hydrogen out there (eg, where can I find one for more any arbitrary atom? admitedly, I realize that the equations become more and more complicated the larger the atom is. This is especially...
  8. P

    Has Anyone Recently Communicated with Tribdog?

    he "posted" (aka linked) a channel, thus he's a channel poster (using the literal meaning of posted) common now, that took me 5 seconds to figure out
  9. P

    Quantum mechanical coupling/excitation

    the wikipedia article suggests a scenario where you have two or multiple quantum oscillators (a lattice of particles maybe or whatever) and coupling describes the interaction at a quantum level (analogous to the classical coupling that is taught in...