Recent content by parthchavo

  1. P

    Add Friends: Simple Guide for Beginners

    Sorry I am wandering away from the subject but could someone please explain to me, how to add friends and be a part of a group or something? I am new to this website, and I have no idea what to do.
  2. P

    Does SR actually forbid FTL travel?

    Oh I get it now, no I don't think that is possible. It could have been possible if we could travel faster or at the speed of light, since in that case time would completely stop with respect to us. But we know we can't, so there's no point in talking about it.
  3. P

    Does SR actually forbid FTL travel?

    I would also like to point out that teleportation is not forbaded by relativity. It is actually quantum mechanics which allows it because of the connection and pairing of particles. If somehow we could feed all the information about the quantum state of particles in your body in a computer, then...
  4. P

    Does SR actually forbid FTL travel?

    First of all you cannot travel at the speed of light or faster than it is because the equations of relativity itself forbid it. When you travel with a velocity v with respect to something, mass increases by underoot(1-v^2/c^2), time speeds up by underoot(1-v^2/c^2) and length contracts by...