Recent content by pablo4429

  1. P

    Combining three measurements of same thing to find error

    Ah ok. So would the best way to claim the temperature to be take an average of the three instruments measuring the same object and just claim the instrument error as the measurement error even though the final measurement is an average? Thanks again.
  2. P

    Combining three measurements of same thing to find error

    Hi All, So here is an error analysis question for you all: I am measuring the temperature of an object at three positions simultaneously. They are type K thermocouples so their individual error is 0.75% of their reading. However, I can also take long term data which shows that...
  3. P

    Why is this NOT a solution to the time independent Schrodinger equation.

    I have to show why that (what you wrote) is not a solution and I simply don't see why or where I will show that
  4. P

    Why is this NOT a solution to the time independent Schrodinger equation.

    I have no idea then! I don't know what you get. There is a d^2/dx^2(sum(c_n*psi_n)) and V(x)*sum(c_n*psi_n) but I am pretty sure that is not right and if it is I don't know what it means or where to go at all
  5. P

    Why is this NOT a solution to the time independent Schrodinger equation.

    So I think I get it, I hope Without the time term, the *** equation above has t and x dependence all wrapped together which isn't explicitly solvable so the addition of that terms allows them all to cancel and separate the time stuff on one side which just turns into E and the spatial stuff on...
  6. P

    Why is this NOT a solution to the time independent Schrodinger equation.

    does it need an exp(-iEt/h) tagged on the back of it for it to be a solution. Then the SE is separable and we can turn it into the equation I put in the "2" section of the first post?
  7. P

    Why is this NOT a solution to the time independent Schrodinger equation.

    or |capital_psi>=sum(a_i|i>) where a is the eigenvalue
  8. P

    Why is this NOT a solution to the time independent Schrodinger equation.

    I really don't know, this is a guess |Capital_psi>=sum(|a><a|psi(t=0)>) if that is right I don't know why...
  9. P

    Why is this NOT a solution to the time independent Schrodinger equation.

    Could it also operate on a linear combination of psi, i.e. c_n |psi_n>?
  10. P

    Why is this NOT a solution to the time independent Schrodinger equation.

    Homework Statement Given a set of solutions |psi_n> to the TISE show that a) |Capital-psi>=Sum(C_n|psi_n>) is not a solution to the TISE Homework Equations ***H|psi_n>=E_n|psi_n> The Attempt at a Solution I don't really know where to start, I plugged |psi_n> into *** and I am...
  11. P

    Anxiety about ME grad school from a BS in Physics. Help greatly appreciated

    great, I think I may try to apply to a few more places just to hedge my bets, this crap is way more expensive than I originally thought though!
  12. P

    Anxiety about ME grad school from a BS in Physics. Help greatly appreciated

    ok great thanks! the hardest part I am finding is how to choose safe schools and probable schools. The longshot of Stanford was obvious, but it really hard to gauge where I have good enough stats and who is doing interesting work that would be a good fit for me
  13. P

    Anxiety about ME grad school from a BS in Physics. Help greatly appreciated

    Anxiety about ME grad school from a BS in Physics. Help greatly appreciated! Hey all, so it is that time of the year to apply to grad schools and I am having some serious anxiety about it. I am applying to Phd programs in ME from a BS in physics and am very unsure about where to apply. I have...
  14. P

    Schools Grad School Advice -- Physics MS or PhD?

    Ok so background on me quickly, 1300 GRE (770 quant, 530 Verbal), 3.82 combined GPA, physics major, math minor, 3.5 yrs at a national lab as an intern, 2 doing school research, a few other small things. I attend and will graduate from SDSU. Now, I am applying to grad school as mechanical...
  15. P

    Send dismal PGRE scores to mechanical engineering programs?

    So a little background, physics major/math minor 3.81 overall GPA, 3.65 physics 4 good letters of rec combined 4.5 yrs research with 3+ at a good internship with a very renowned government funded private research company in southern California, don't want to name names However, I just...