Recent content by Pablo Brubeck

  1. P

    I Testing Elliptic PDE Solver with Non-Diagonal Metric

    Hello, I am working with numerical relativity and spectral methods. Recently I finished a general elliptic PDE solver using spectral methods, so now I want to do Physics with it. I am interested in solving the lapse equation, which fits into this category of PDEs $$ \nabla^2 \alpha = \alpha...
  2. P

    I Numerical Calculus of Variations

    I attempt to solve the brachistochrone problem numerically. I am using a direct method which considers the curve ##y(x)## as a Lagrange polynomial evaluated at fixed nodes ##x_i##, and the time functional as a multivariate function of the ##y_i##. The classical statement of the problem requires...
  3. P

    OpenBLAS crashes on Ubuntu 15.04

    Both are 64bit OS running on 64bit machines. It seems that the problem is not present when using octave.
  4. P

    OpenBLAS crashes on Ubuntu 15.04

    It does not crash with small matrices, it can work well with 1000. My windows laptop with lower specs can work with those large sizes.
  5. P

    OpenBLAS crashes on Ubuntu 15.04

    Whenever I try to reduce, invert, or factorize matrices of size 10000x10000 my whole system suddenly restarts without any error message. This happens on both julia and MATLAB when I run the command A=rand(10000,10000)^-1; I suspect the problem is due to the linear algebra libraries (I have...
  6. P

    Eigendecomposition using cuSolver

    Just found out through this keynote, the eigendecomposition for dense matrices is under development and will be featured on a future release.
  7. P

    Eigendecomposition using cuSolver

    I am looking for a clear example on how to obtain the complete set of eigenvalues and eigenvectors for a dense, non-hermitian matrix using cuSolver.