Recent content by P J Strydom

  1. P J Strydom

    B Leave the science to Scientists. Just tell me what is SR.

    I had this notion that it would be very easy to learn and understand Special Relativity, especially Time dilation. Well, I was wrong. First it will take the general history and philosophy of what Time Dilation is and how it works. Then it takes Mathematical calculations. In the end it takes a...
  2. P J Strydom

    B Exploring Lorentz Transformations & Time Dilation Experiments

    When I read what you said, I just laughed at myself. It is really a case of me attempting to run a marathon with no legs. I decided now here and then, I will not continue my quest to understand Time dilation. It will need someone to sit next to me for a month to make sure I know what the hell I...
  3. P J Strydom

    B Exploring Lorentz Transformations & Time Dilation Experiments

    Will we evr know if we are already traveling faster than Sorry man. on the MM inferometer, with the reflector beams 7 meters away from the splitter beams, and we assume an aether wind of 460 Km (equator speed of earth). The perpendiculat light beam were supposed to travel 10% longer than the...
  4. P J Strydom

    B Exploring Lorentz Transformations & Time Dilation Experiments

    Yes, so true. But I really made an effort to re calculate the MM inferometer and saw my mistake. I took the horisontal plane from Splitter beam and reflector back, and the reflector perpendicular to it and took the assumption that: The Inferometer length is 7 meters, traveling through aether at...
  5. P J Strydom

    B Exploring Lorentz Transformations & Time Dilation Experiments

    Shirbit. When I calculated he MM experiment intreferance patern percentages over the distance of 21 odd feet, I also realized that it is way too small to have seen any interferance pattern. Let me tell you what my problem is and perhaps you will see where my thinking goes. If a "thought...
  6. P J Strydom

    B Exploring Lorentz Transformations & Time Dilation Experiments

    You are correct. After my calculations, one will not see it even over 200 Km. I want to know if there was ever an experiment done to show that if you have two reference points moving relative to each other as if they are stationary, such as 2 positions on earth, and a laser is shot fom one...
  7. P J Strydom

    B Exploring Lorentz Transformations & Time Dilation Experiments

    Oh, the beam must be positioned North to south, or South to north.
  8. P J Strydom

    B Exploring Lorentz Transformations & Time Dilation Experiments

    I am totally new to the theory of Special Relativity, but find it very facinating. As a young man I saw a few documentaries on how Einstein saw a clock's movement reaching noon, and how he, traveling in a tram heard the gong only later. He then thought about what if he traveled at the speed of...
  9. P J Strydom

    B Length contraction and Time dilation calculation

    OK, I think I understand the Mathematical equation and what it means after I had some time to think about it. Remember the post. The way the informative document posed the situation was where I got everything wrong. It said: Start with 2 frames of reference, one moving in respect to the other...
  10. P J Strydom

    B Length contraction and Time dilation calculation

    Ho, no I have the Lorentz transformation. And after telling me what major Delta is, I am fine. I found another explanation by Shankar at open Yale courses whichg uses the Major Delta. I will be back as soon as I went through his document...
  11. P J Strydom

    B Length contraction and Time dilation calculation

    Is there any chance that you can perhaps link the aplicable mathematical formulas where I can go and learn and do some excersises on?
  12. P J Strydom

    B Length contraction and Time dilation calculation

    Please give me the weekend to study what you guys just said. I think it is a case that my algebra is much worse than I anticipated. And this is definitely the problem. I can't expect you guys to teach me the basics of this topic, if I don't even know what this Delta sign is that got connected to...
  13. P J Strydom

    B Length contraction and Time dilation calculation

    As for the above, I don't have a flippen clue what it is.
  14. P J Strydom

    B Length contraction and Time dilation calculation

    Im all yours. I will follow your lead (even though I memorised the calculation I posted here hoping it will give the answer.) But, I am confident you will be able to get the theory through my thick scull.
  15. P J Strydom

    B Length contraction and Time dilation calculation

    Thats what I am looking for. The mental picture. But so far I just don't get the mental picture in an understandable way. It does not help if someone tells me and paint a mental picture about say...a light clock on the move will run slower. Its nice to see it mentally, but if there is no...