Recent content by Orion_PKFD

  1. O

    2D Ising Model (analytical expressions)

    Hi, Thank you for your reply. I am only interested in the case with B=0. The expression for the magnetization is M=[1-\sinh^{-4}(2/k_B T)]^{1/8}. The susceptibility is obtained from \chi = \frac{<M^2>- <M>^2}{k_B T}. But I don't know the analytical expression for \chi...
  2. O

    2D Ising Model (analytical expressions)

    Hi all, I am doing a program to simulate the 2D Ising Model under the metropolis algorithm. In order to check my results I would like to compare them with the analytical expressions for the mean energy, magnetization, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility. I already found the...
  3. O

    2D Ising Model (analytical expressions)

    Hi all, I am doing a program to simulate the 2D Ising Model under the metropolis algorithm. In order to check my results I would like to compare them with the analytical expressions for the mean energy, magnetization, specific heat and magnetic susceptibility. I already found the...
  4. O

    Variational Calculus - variable density line

    "Oy" is the vertical axis. But it is reasonable that you can put the origin wherever you want. I would say that it should be helpful to place the origin in one of the endpoints. We want to minimize the potential energy, U, but we know the shape of the curve. We need to find \rho(y) in order...
  5. O

    Variational Calculus - variable density line

    Consider a line of length L=\frac{\pi}{2}a. We want to put small particles of lead (total mass of all particles M) in order that the line is hang in a circular arc. Both ends are at the same height. Show that the mass distribution needs to be \rho(y)=\frac{M}{2}\frac{a}{y^2} This exercise...
  6. O

    Question about spinor wavefunction

    The idea here is representing the state as a spinor wavefunction. The solutions are known and don't matter for the case, all you need to do is use the spinor representation. The exercise is exactly the one I wrote above. From Principles of Quantum Mechanics by Hans C. Ohanian.
  7. O

    Question about spinor wavefunction

    That is only a part of the state in the position representation, not the spinor wavefunction.
  8. O

    Question about spinor wavefunction

    The question is the following: At one instant, the electron in a hydrogen atom is in the state: |phi>=sqrt(2/7) |E_2,1,-1,+> + 1/sqrt(7) |E_1,0,0,-> - sqrt(2/7) |E_1,0,0,+> Express the state |phi> in the position representation, as a spinor wavefunction How am I supposed to do this...