Recent content by onion3000

  1. onion3000

    Do mecanum wheels move foward and sideways at the same rate?

    Say you have a robot with mecanum wheels and move all the motors forward one rotation, and the robot moves forwards x cm. If you make the robot go sideways where each of the motors moves one rotation, does the robot move sideways x cm as well? Does it depend on the angle of the rollers on the...
  2. onion3000

    Ramjet/Scramjet Propulsion on a Vertical Rocket?

    Is it possible (practical/efficient) to utilize ramjet (or scramjet) on a vertical rocket? By this I mean would it be at all practical to make a vertically traveling rocket which partially uses ramjet as a method of propulsion, or is there some property of ramjet propulsion that makes this...
  3. onion3000

    Programming HP 50g: Is There an Editor?

    Is there a programming editor on the HP 50g (like the TI programming systems)? I have been unable to find any information on this, so any help would be appreciated.
  4. onion3000

    Does Absolute Zero Equal Zero Weight?

    If interactions with the Higgs field make something have more mass, and if movement creates interactions with the field, then wouldn't something at absolute zero have no weight (zero speed, so no interaction with the Higgs field)?
  5. onion3000

    Help with understanding modulation in AM, FM and PM radio

    Thanks so much for the information, and sorry again for the multitude of questions (I'm new here as you saw).
  6. onion3000

    Help with understanding modulation in AM, FM and PM radio

    I have a few questions about AM, FM and PM. 1. If FM (or PM) radio modifies the frequency of the signal, how is the signal picked up without having to change the frequency constantly? 2. If PM modulates phase, which modulates frequency, what is the difference between PM and FM? 3. Why is AM...