Recent content by olski1

  1. O

    Fluid Mechanics: Constant Pressure and Incompressible flow

    Yes, the book stated dh=cpdT bizarrely
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    Fluid Mechanics: Constant Pressure and Incompressible flow

    ...and that's the key...thanks Chester, so the book used the wrong formula.
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    Fluid Mechanics: Constant Pressure and Incompressible flow

    Assuming a flow can be idealised as incompressible, then can you use the constant pressure assumption ? I just want to get my understanding clear. My problem is the following.Consider a fluid element with volume ##V## and a fixed number of molecules. If the flow is incompressible, then the...
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    Orbit of satellite 2nd order ODE using Matlab

    Hi, I am completely stuck on this problem that has been given to us. I must solve a set of 2nd order differential equations using Euler's method. It is for a geosychronous orbit of a satellite, meaning the orbit is circular and the velocity vector is perpendicular to the radius vector...
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    Bending Moment and Force calculations two beams connected

    Okay thanks for your help, For the top member which is 1m long I found: ƩFy=0=-10kN + RAY => RAY=10KN ƩMo=5<x>2 + MA => MA= -5<x>2 when x = 1 => MA=-5kNm At the mid point section, F=-5kN and M=-1.25KN For the Vertical Memeber which is also 1 m long. ƩFx=0=-10kN + RBx => RBx=10KN...
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    Bending Moment and Force calculations two beams connected

    Hello, I need to find the bending moment and forces at the mid point cross-sections of two separate beams connected together. One is a horizontal beam connected to the top of a vertical beam that sort of look like this: H======== H H H H There is a UDL of 10kn/m on the top member, with the...
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    How finite element analysis differs from mathematic derivation in beam bending?

    I suppose I mean the deformation properties of materials. For example, if I had results from computer modelling that showed better agreement with the theoretical results when using cubic displacement function over linear for 5 and 10 elements over a 1m beam what could I infer from that?
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    Difference between Linear and Cubic Deformation in Bending?

    I do not really understand this as you can probably tell, but What is the difference bewteen Linear and Cubic displacement deformation functions in beam bending? For example why would one be used over another to model or calculate beam bending? or how does either type effect what bending...
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    How finite element analysis differs from mathematic derivation in beam bending?

    So I just started learning to use the finite element package abaqus for modelling beam tip deflection under different loading conditions. I think I understand the theory behind it but was wondering if some one could answer a few questions about it to further my understanding. Firstly, how do...
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    Calculating Stress experienced by fibre composite.

    Hi, I need to find the stress taken up by the fibres in the longitudinal direction, when a load of 25kN is applied to a continuous aligned composite with the diameter of 2cm. 60% matirx with E=2.8Gpa and 40% glass fibre E=73Gpa. Attempt at solution Known values V_m = 0.6, E_m =...
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    Continuous fibre composite transverse loading

    Why is the traverse loading strength of continuous fibre reinforced composites weaker compared to the longitudinal strength? I sort of arrived at the conclusion, that since the composite is in an isostress state and due to the fibre having a very low tensile strength in the transverse...
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    Problem With Maximum Acceleration up Hill

    she DOES NOT use her poles, but she DOES use her skis - the same way people ice skate
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    Problem With Maximum Acceleration up Hill

    She uses her skis to push against the ground which propells her forward through static friction.
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    Problem With Maximum Acceleration up Hill

    Problem With Maximum Acceleration up Hill! Homework Statement cross-country skier is going up a slope at angle 5º to the horizontal. She is skating so only her skis provide the propulsion (i.e. she does not push with her ski poles). The static and kinetic friction coefficients for this...
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    Maximum Accelleration Up Hill?

    Homework Statement cross-country skier is going up a slope at angle 5º to the horizontal. She is skating so only her skis provide the propulsion (i.e. she does not push with her ski poles). The static and kinetic friction coefficients for this situation are μs = 0.12, μk = 0.07 respectively...