Recent content by oexnorth

  1. O

    Thermo physics. Dealing with adding dQ to a system with P held constant.

    Thank you. But if it tells me to write v1 in terms of dt and Beta, then doesn't that mean I have to get rid of the V term? Here's some more equations, I don't know if it will help. Specific heat is C Q is heat added or lost to the system deltaU is the change in internal energy of the...
  2. O

    Thermo physics. Dealing with adding dQ to a system with P held constant.

    "Measured heat capacities of solids and liquids are almost always at constant pressure, not constant volume. To see why, estimate the pressure needed to keep V fixed as T increases, as follows. a)First imagine slightly increasing the temp of a material at constant pressure. Write the change...
  3. O

    Aspirin and the longevity of plants?

    It worked for me. I can't stop eating the stuff now. :)
  4. O

    Aspirin and the longevity of plants?

    I also found this link. It's a Michigan State experiment.
  5. O

    Aspirin and the longevity of plants?

    That's great. And true.
  6. O

    Aspirin and the longevity of plants?

    Yeah, I thought about that. It was something that I heard and wondered if there was anybody out there that already knew. If I have time, I'll do the experiment one day and see how it goes. Until then, I'll leave it up in the air.
  7. O

    Aspirin and the longevity of plants?

    Ok, after reading on this topic a bit, the only reasonable answer I could get was that the aspirin prevents any harmful bacteria from getting in the water. Does anyone know if this is the only reason, or the reason at all?
  8. O

    Aspirin and the longevity of plants?

    I've heard that adding crushed aspirin to cut flowers improves the lifetime of flowers. Is this really true?
  9. O

    What happens during a nuclear meltdown?

    With all the events happening in Japan right now, I was wondering, what exactly happens during a nuclear meltdown? I have a decent idea of how the plant produces power, but I have no idea what happens during the meltdown to create such a hazardous situation.
  10. O

    Medical Can Warm Water Help Treat Sunburns?

    Does the Physics Forums edit posts? A couple of comments were deleted from this one, including my own. I don't like negative back-and-forths, but I also respect freedom of speech. Can someone tell me what happened to those posts? I have backups if anybody wants to see what I mean.
  11. O

    Medical Can Warm Water Help Treat Sunburns?

    Thanks, hypatia. When I first heard that running warm or hot water over your skin to open the pores to let more heat out, I had serious doubts. Hot water might open the pores but it still adds a lot of heat to the system, so any benefits are immediately countered. Most of what I've read and...
  12. O

    Medical Can Warm Water Help Treat Sunburns?

    I appreciate your reply and I thank you. Can you direct towards something that I can see for myself why warm/hot water doesn't work?
  13. O

    Medical Can Warm Water Help Treat Sunburns?

    I have heard that warm water helps to open the pores of your skin, and therefore, can release more heat which will aid in the treatment of a sunburn. I was immediately skeptical, but after a few searches I found answers both for and against it. What are the actual physics behind this, and, if...
  14. O

    Integrating 1/(4+x^2)^2 dx: How to Use Trigonometric Substitutions

    Ok, after repeated workings and reworkings, I've come up with: (1/16)arctan(x/2)+x/8(4+x^2) Can anyone verify this? Thanks.