NTesla's latest activity

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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    You are completely missing the point that I made regarding writing justifications and reminders if one is not going to do that.
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    NTesla reacted to Steve4Physics's post in the thread Damped harmonic oscillation with Like Like.
    If I may interject… I think that in Post #59, @kuruman is considering the case where the vector C and the axes are all rotated through...
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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    A good physicist ought to use proper symbols/notations/units everywhere, especially when writing a book, or when working on a project or...
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    NTesla reacted to kuruman's post in the thread Damped harmonic oscillation with Like Like.
    You don't have to repeat, I am with you 100%. I was expressing my doubts (in counterpoint to my "as it should be") about the...
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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    That's what I'm talking about. So precise and clear. Appreciate it.
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    NTesla reacted to kuruman's post in the thread Damped harmonic oscillation with Like Like.
    Let's do it formally and top down. I will use boldface for vectors. The net force is always the sum of the restoring and damping force...
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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    I know that component of a vector is not a vector. But if you happen to use vector all throughout your writings and then resort to using...
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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    Yes i agree. The notation must be uniformly applied throughout. Otherwise it creates unnecessary confusion. The book uses bold letters...
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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    Yes i agree. If done appropriately. One sure way of doing it appropriately would have been use of vector sign. I very much appreciate...
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    NTesla reacted to kuruman's post in the thread Damped harmonic oscillation with Like Like.
    I think part of the problem with writing Newton's second law in this case is that the velocity, which is not normally part of an FBD, is...
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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    I understand what you've written. I had some inclination from the very beginning that the writer of that equation in the book meant a...
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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    In that expression, ##f_{fric}## has been taken as ##-bv##. Since, damped force will always be opposite to the velocity vector...
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    NTesla replied to the thread Damped harmonic oscillation.
    Were you referring to this v? (kindly see the screenshot): i understand what a scalar quantity is, but did you mean something else when...
    • IMG_20240517_171322.jpg
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    NTesla reacted to haruspex's post in the thread Damped harmonic oscillation with Like Like.
    Seems to me your whole confusion comes from taking v to be a magnitude whereas in the equation you quote in post #1 it is a signed scalar.
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    NTesla reacted to Orodruin's post in the thread Damped harmonic oscillation with Like Like.
    Yes. No. You are still missing the point that ##\gamma## is the factor in front of ##\dot x## in the differential equation when the...