Recent content by nownow

  1. N

    Electric Potential Field Calculation

    I ended up realizing my error shortly after sending the answer. Also, I didn't edit my answer because of your question. Anyway, I apologize for my mistake and I didn't know about this no edit practice, I'm new here. If you want I can edit the question to what it was before, no problem. I just...
  2. N

    Electric Potential Field Calculation

    The angle is ##\frac{\pi }{2}##
  3. N

    Electric Potential Field Calculation

    It's not multiple rays. I expressed myself badly, sorry. However, on to my calculations: $$V_1 = \int_{0}^{a}\frac{\rho_l}{4\pi \varepsilon_0\sqrt{x^2+h^2} }dx$$ $$V_2 = \int_{0}^{a}\frac{\rho_l}{4\pi \varepsilon_0(h-z) }dz$$ $$V_3 = \int_{0}^{\frac{\pi }{2}}\frac{\rho_la}{4\pi...
  4. N

    Electric Potential Field Calculation

    I've already tried to calculate the potential with respect to the 3 segments and then apply superposition (V1+V2+V3). However, I was not very successful. My error I think is in the calculation of the radii, mainly of the line segment that is on the z axis. Can anybody help me? I need some light...