Recent content by nitro_gif

  1. N

    Other Should I Become a Mathematician?

    I have considered getting a white board. Sitting is no fun to me.
  2. N

    Other Should I Become a Mathematician?

    Ok, got a few books on the go right now, in particular Lang's Basic Mathematics. I like the content, but how can I retain and absorb more information? I feel like I read stuff but don't retain what I should, so I reread it again and still don't retain enough. When reading a math text, how...
  3. N

    Other Should I Become a Mathematician?

    Currently relearning H.S. Math from near scratch. Current books: - Serge Lang - Basic Mathematics (Certainly challenging but in a good way.) - Algebra - Gelfand - No B.S. Guide to Math and Physics - Ivan Savov (Enjoying this as it covers a lot of math and physics) - Reading and thoroughly...
  4. N

    Restarting math from Scratch. Need a some advice.

    Just bought that, took a quick look on google books and it seems like a great start! Any more suggestions?
  5. N

    Restarting math from Scratch. Need a some advice.

    Mainly learned a lot on Factoring / quadratics, linear equations, radicals and minimal geometry.
  6. N

    Restarting math from Scratch. Need a some advice.

    Okay, so I am 20 years old, did terrible in high school mainly due to lack of motivation / not seeing the point. I left high school with grade 11 math and had a whopping 52. Three years later I discovered I like math and seriously want to get to an advanced level. I started taking some...