Recent content by nirmaljoshi

  1. nirmaljoshi

    Why flow has high velocity when partially closed?

    The loss in hose pipe should insignificant (less than 1%) and it depends on velocity of flow in pipe. Therefore, it is not the loss that should be main variable. Again if we think flow rate in pipe should be constant as Misha Kuznetsov thinks. Is there any equation to support his idea?
  2. nirmaljoshi

    Why flow has high velocity when partially closed?

    I want to ask why flow has high velocity when partially closed. Eg. when we partially close garden's hose pipe, the flow goes much more farther than when fully open. Supposing water is flowing through a pipe from a constant level water tank. Why flow has high velocity when partially closed...
  3. nirmaljoshi

    Energy equation and continuity equation mismatch

    A pipe is discharging from H=100m to an open atmosphere. The available discharge at inlet is 0.4m3/s 1. The bernauli's equation tells v=sqrt(2*g*H), neglecting any losses in the pipe, v=~44m/s 2. continuity equation tells v=Q/A, say diameter of pipe=0.3m, v=~5.65m/s which is correct?
  4. nirmaljoshi

    Why Does Heat Generate When Mixing Ethanol and Water?

    Thanks. Could you please briefly direct me how the difference in strength of bond is measured?
  5. nirmaljoshi

    Why Does Heat Generate When Mixing Ethanol and Water?

    My question is why it is exothermic? As you said, "Ethanol molecules are much smaller in size than the water molecules and as a consequence some of the ethanol molecules tend to cram in between the water molecules, thus breaking the hydrogen bond." But after mixing, water and ethanol again...
  6. nirmaljoshi

    Why Does Heat Generate When Mixing Ethanol and Water?

    Why heat is generated when ethanol is mixed with water? Please also explain why the existing hydrogen bond of water disintegrated to accommodate ethanol molecule?