Recent content by nibbel11

  1. N

    Is Measuring Bubbles a Reliable Method for Determining Carbonic Acid Levels?

    Hello everyone I am doing some research about carbonic acid in fizzy drinks. I hope to find out how much carbonic acid was in the drink by looking how much CO2 bubbles come loose. but later I thought that there are two reactions that can take place: H2CO3 --> H2O + CO2 H2CO3 --> H+ + HCO3-...
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    Could nothing happen when fork in socket

    thank you for your quick and comprehensive reply. to begin with, i want to make sure I never intended anything having to do with this question. this teacher has a history of making up stories so things tend to fit with our study material. let alone that we (the Netherlands) also use mostly...
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    Could nothing happen when fork in socket

    Hi right now I do not have school but I was thinking about what my chemistry teacher said last year. he was telling us about electrons and how they move from negative to positive. he said something along the line of: let's you would put a fork in a wall socket and by chance you first hit the...
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    Searching for Alloy: 3 Metals & Specific Properties

    Hello everyone I've got a youtube channel with the science behind games. And because of that, I'm in search for an alloy with the following properties: - It needs to be an alloy of at least three metals - At least one of them must have a greenish flame color, a bluish flame color, and a red...
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    The Oxygen Content of Water: Can Humans Breathe Underwater?

    i found a vid on youtube of a guy explaining about what would happen if we could breath the oxygen out of the water, and his conclusion was that there was to little oxygen. and i also took a look at it, but i in my research it was perfectly possible. i would like if you take a look and maybe...
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    B A 100 metre potato drop will it be unharmed (check)

    allright i recalculated the force with the right numbers making a new force of 13230N instead of 123300. the force on the potato after slowing down is only able to become less than 1323N and compare that to me. that would be 1323kg on Earth (if it where a mass) and I'm 60kg or 600N, about 20...
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    B A 100 metre potato drop will it be unharmed (check)

    jbriggs i was thinking about what you said earlier and i think i got it. there is a crumplezone of 1cm and with a 44.1m/s velocity. and it's average velocity until it reaches 0 will be 22.1m/s so 0,01:22.1=0,0005s 441:0,0005=882000m/s2 882000*0,15=123300N. so the force of the fall will be equal...
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    B A 100 metre potato drop will it be unharmed (check)

    but even if i knew how far i could sqeeze it, how do i know how much force or pressure i need. because of the force is more than that sqeezing point it would rupture. so what is this "sqeezing point". how do i test this.
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    B A 100 metre potato drop will it be unharmed (check)

    you mean the diametre of the potato, the potato falls vertically what i think is logical way if you look at its shape, it is more streamlined that way. i would say something like 8cm and that would be traveled in 0,002 seconds, so let's half it as you said that makes 0,001. than that would...
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    B A 100 metre potato drop will it be unharmed (check)

    for my own intressest i thought of a way to look i a potato could survive a 100 metre drop. my hypothesis was abviously no not it will be potato salad when it hits the ground. but my calculations turned against me as far as i know. here are they average potato weight: 0,15 kg height: 100m i...
  11. N

    A formula for conservation of energy

    for my physics class a was working on a formula about conservation of energy could you guys tell me if it is somewhat right and stuff i forgot about =constant/s so this is my try making a formula about the total energy in the universe
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    The law of conservation of energy is wrong?

    thanks everyone that helped a lot :dademyday:
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    The law of conservation of energy is wrong?

    what is even the formula of the enrgy of a phonton E=hλ or E=hf
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    The law of conservation of energy is wrong?

    e few days ago i talked with my teacher about the energy in the universe being constant. but we were completely confused when we came to the concept of: "because of the universe expansion everything moves away from each other. and the same goes for the wavelenghts in light. because of the way...