Recent content by NEILS BOHR

  1. N

    Discussing the Big Rip Theory: Have You Heard About It?

    The Big Rip is an extreme scenario that supersedes that of a Big Freeze. Both of them are possible consequences of an ever expanding universe. While the Big Freeze can take place if the forces that are believed to govern the current rate of expansion are constant, the Big Rip will happen if the...
  2. N

    Hi everybody,this is my first post. So sorry for the possible

    Bjorken X is a scaling variable used in deep inelastic scattering..for more info on this experiment see this: It gives the momentum fraction carried by an inclusively observed particle. Structure functions are...
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    Understanding Negative Quantum States: A Simplified Explanation by Dirac

    thank you very much for the replies..i actually encountered this while readig a book , quite old , and that's why i probably heard abt this,,,,,,,,
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    Understanding Negative Quantum States: A Simplified Explanation by Dirac

    can somebody simply explain what is meant by NEGATIVE QUANTUM STATES , as given by dirac in his theory?i know its not as SIMPLE as i want it to be , but still I would like to know its significance in the most basic way!
  5. N

    Integrating to solve kinematics problem, bad or good?

    i think you will realize it very soon that you will sometimes feel helpless without the sound knowledge of maths in physics...
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    Understanding Degrees of Freedom in Calculating Molecule Kinetic Energy

    you need to specify the molecule first!
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    Unraveling the Mystery: The Quest to Understand Magnetic Monopoles

    magnetic monopoles?? why don't magnetic monopoles exist??
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    The Mystery of Pseudo/Inertial Forces: Explained

    hmmm ok thanks for ur answers!
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    The Mystery of Pseudo/Inertial Forces: Explained

    Why are pseudo forces also sometimes called INERTIAL FORCES , even though their need arises because of non inertial frames??:confused:
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    Chemistry - Lewis Structure question

    all the three are equivalent indeed!
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    How to Convert Natural Gas into Butadiene with Catalytic Reactions?

    @symbolipoint what is the mass of the natural gas that you are getting?? by your method , i am not getting the right answer!
  12. N

    Are ionic bonds results of redox reactions?

    completely no relation between the two...:rolleyes:
  13. N

    Too Much Indicator in Titration: Causes & Solutions

    it can also alter the volume...
  14. N

    How to Convert Natural Gas into Butadiene with Catalytic Reactions?

    i don't know why i am getting stuck in such a question? can u explain it in a little easier way??:redface: