Recent content by needguidance

  1. N

    Can maxwell's EM theory explain the photoelectric effect?

    i know that einstein explained it in terms of particles but can maxwells EM waves explain the photoelectric effect aswell?
  2. N

    Is Velocity Constant When Calculating Force in an Elevator?

    -___- it would be the same as when it is stationary? 9.8m/s^s...but why? if its correct
  3. N

    Is Velocity Constant When Calculating Force in an Elevator?

    then the acceleration is constant aswell... but what's the value of the acceleration
  4. N

    Is Velocity Constant When Calculating Force in an Elevator?

    Homework Statement An 80kg man stands on an elevator what force is exerted on the elevator if it is rising with a constant velocity of 4.0 m/s. (take account of grvitational acceleration g=9.8m/s^2) Homework Equations F=ma 3)attempt to solve the time and distance is not given...