Recent content by nazgjunk

  1. N

    What is the mechanism behind electron displacement in Pd-Bi reactions?

    Thank you 1000 times, accidentally that is exactly the reaction we were working with.
  2. N

    What is the mechanism behind electron displacement in Pd-Bi reactions?

    Hey, I'm working on a rather big chemistry assignment. Right now I'm looking at a reaction mechanism. The first step is illustrated in the attachment. The big thing with the loop represents a glucose molecule, and on the bottom there is some Pd+Bi attached to active coal as an adsorbent (if...
  3. N

    Anti-Grafitti Research in Chemistry - Netherlands

    Here in the Netherlands I'm supposed to do a big assignment spanning over a couple of months. Without doing it, I won't be allowed to make my exams, so it's pretty important. I chose to do it about Chemistry (with, as a minor subject, physics). As a subject I chose to work on an anti-grafitti...
  4. N

    Exploring the Heat of the Early Universe: Quantum Cosmology and Inflation

    Annoying thing in that is that it implies that there has never been a true beginning. Not impossible, just very annoying for science.
  5. N

    Solving a Physics Problem Involving Two Metal Spheres

    At a quick glance, it looks fine to me. Except for one thing: how should ball 2 start moving when it is hanging on a rope or something and is hit on the top? Or even how can it be hit on the top, while it is obviously connected with the rope on top? I guess this is a bad case of non-practical...
  6. N

    Shooting of two registered sex offenders

    I haven't read the thread, shame on me. By allowing those names to be know to the public you do almost the same thing as death sentence, the only difference is that you're not sure they're going to get killed. Either kill them, or respect their privacy. I'd take the latter.
  7. N

    There can never exist a vacuum

    As far as I know (which isn't very far yet I'm afraid) there is at least a vacuum between all the particles. However, since we have Heisenbergs Principle of Uncertainty, and all the electrons being probability clouds rather than particles this isn't neccessarily true.
  8. N

    What are the products and reactions of KNO3+NaOH+MgSO4+H2O in one container?

    1: Don't double post. 2: This is, as I hope you know, an acid reaction (not sure of the right words in english). {SO_4}^{++} is an acid, OH^- (which appears when dissolving NaOH) is a very strong base. They will obviously react. Think again, and maybe you'll find it.
  9. N

    How Many Songs Can You Remember by Heart?

    I'm in a choir, and a music freak so I think I know quite a lot of songs, including many that you wouldn't expect a 17-year old to listen to.
  10. N

    Can Approaching the Speed of Light Prohibit Time Travel?

    I don't think I'm adding much to this discussion, but I'd like to point out something that annoys me greatly: when people say "no you can't travel through time because then you would get the thing when you kill your mum before you get born". The very simple solution to this is to state that...
  11. N

    Man Running on a Train: Clocks and Velocity

    Relativity is weird... I don't know much about it (yet, I'm planning on doing physics at uni), but I have one question: What happens when the train, or the runner suddenly stands still? As said, the train clock, from the runners view, ticks slower than the runner's clock. From the train's...
  12. N

    Our universe should be called multiverse and not universe

    To put it this way (i haven't read all other posts though): I can't give a damn about people on other planets, or even in other universes. I'm here, and I have no way (currently) to interact with those "others".
  13. N

    Unlocking Nature's Hydrogen: An Inexpensive Metal Catalyst

    Unfortunately it is very hard to control the burning of hydrogen. You /are/ right, it would be an excellent source of heat. since the thermolysis of water happens at 1500 C, reversing would obviously create huge amounts of heat. The thing is, that heat is probably one of the reasons hydrogen...
  14. N

    Human civilisation in 1.5 billion years

    *sigh* Not even animal planet is able to make accurate guesses on how life will be in two million years. The giant squid tale isn't true, it's merely a suggestion.
  15. N

    Bisecting indefinitely a real interval

    This problem can be simplified. Imagine, you want to get to the number 2. You start by adding the half of 2, 1. 0+1=1, *dUh*. Then, you add half of 1, 0.5. You get 1.5. Next, you get 1.75, 1.875, etc, etc. If you go on infinitely, you will eventually get to 2.