Recent content by naggy

  1. N

    Electronic Steam Tables Programs

    Looks like the excel add-in only includes a limited amount of the function library. Or am I missing something? Do I need anything except for the excel add-in files?
  2. N

    Electronic Steam Tables Programs

    Hi all, Been a while since I posted in these forums. Looking for advice on steam table software package. I am looking for a relatively simple software package to look up steam properties. Preferably compatible with Excel. It at least has to be able to compute SH steam enthalpy as a function of...
  3. N

    Problems in the modern semiconductor/electronics technology?

    Since I am asking about research in QM/Solid State Physics, I thought it would be appropriate to put this question here. I will not be offended if it will be moved to the EE forum From what I have read, the problem with modern semiconductors/electronics seems to be quantum tunnelling and...
  4. N

    Financial math modeling of MBS?

    Can anyone refer me to an introductory text about math modeling of mortgage backed securities?
  5. N

    Geometry problem. Circle and parallel lines to a circle.

    A circle with diameter 90 is located at (70,100). A given point O is at (0,0). There is a line from O to the circle at point A, line OA. Line BT is parallel to OA at a distance 50 from OA and is a tangent to the circle. How do I find the coordinates A and B? I'm having problems drawing...
  6. N

    Conserved quantities in the Feynman diagrams.

    Seems to me from the book that every property of the particle is conserved on the node. Or am I drawing the wrong conclusion? momentum, charge, Spin, Isospin, Hypercharge, strangeness, baryon number, lepton number, color ...
  7. N

    Conserved quantities in the Feynman diagrams.

    I'm currently reading Griffiths book (I'm at chapter 4) on Particle physics, and I had a question about Feynman diagrams. In every "node" of a Feynman diagram, what quantities are conserved? Further, what quantities are conserved over the entire diagram?
  8. N

    Coefficients Cn for a Harmonic Oscillator in an Electric field

    Homework Statement Harmonic oscillator is in the first excited state |1> when a constant electric field E is switched on. Find the time evolution of the wave functionHomework Equations Schrodinger equation H\Psi = E_n\Psi H = \frac{P^2}{2m} + \frac{m\omega^2x^2}{2}-qEx The Attempt at a...
  9. N

    Schools Find Scholarships, Financial Aids for US Universities' Tech & Physics Depts

    Thank you for the reply. Did not know that SF was one of the most expensive ones. Concernig other schools, I'm open for suggestions. There are a lot of people on this board who have studied physics in the states.
  10. N

    Schools Find Scholarships, Financial Aids for US Universities' Tech & Physics Depts

    I'm looking for a university in America that has a good technology and physics departments. I have BS in physics and EE and I'm looking for a school for further studies(preferably in physics). I was eyeing Berkeley, and I called and asked. They said it was around 45.000$ per year for an...
  11. N

    Physics Is a PhD in Physics Right for Me?

    just out of interest twofish. In what do you have a degree in and what do you do for a living? :)
  12. N

    Concerning Quantum computers and information

    So will a computer-scientist today have to relearn a lot when we'll start using these computers?
  13. N

    Concerning Quantum computers and information

    I only recently 'discovered' this quantum computer business and quantum information. As I see it, this seems like a drastic departure from regular 'classical' computers. So if we ever get to the point of using these computers, won´t they have to rediscover the entire field of...