Recent content by MsHomework

  1. M

    Analyzing Electric Circuits: Homework Help

    I am sorry, but I personally feel more confused! I don`t feel that you are helping me as much. Thank you for trying to help!
  2. M

    Analyzing Electric Circuits: Homework Help

    Just a quick question, How come you have to put 0 volts at the bottom in the parallel...
  3. M

    Analyzing Electric Circuits: Homework Help

    Can you show me step by step, because I still am confused!
  4. M

    Analyzing Electric Circuits: Homework Help

    64. (a) R4 5 2.50 x 102 I1 = 0.250 A I2 = 0.150 A I4 = 0.100 A (b) V2 = 16.7 V V3 = 8.30 V This is the answer from the back of the textbook... Also my teacher said to use the basics aka... I am not suppose to ground!
  5. M

    Analyzing Electric Circuits: Homework Help

    How do I ground it! I did not learn that...
  6. M

    Analyzing Electric Circuits: Homework Help

    Anyone... Please help! I have tried so many times to figure this out but I can't! A hint my teacher gave me is to figure out the R[sub]4[sub]
  7. M

    Analyzing Electric Circuits: Homework Help

    Homework Statement [attachment] Homework Equations I=V/R V=R*I R=V/I Rseries = R1 + R2 + R3 ... 1/Rparallel = 1/R1 + 1/R2 + 1/R3 ... Kirchhoff Law The Attempt at a Solution Rsource = Vsource/Isource Rsource = 50/0.25 Rsource = 200Ω I don't know what to do next!
  8. M

    Gravitational potential energy (roller coaster)

    How did you get 518.232N? Like I know F= MA but what acceleration did you use?
  9. M

    Gravitational potential energy (roller coaster)

    uh I found 99.05 by solving mgh= hv^2. (1000) (9.81) (0.5) = 0.5v^2 4905/0.5= 0.5v^2/0.5 Square(9810)= square(v^2) 99.05m/s= v
  10. M

    Gravitational potential energy (roller coaster)

    a) is it 99.05 m/s (also do i use the same height) b) for this I have to do every height there is? c) how is D 5? in the diagram you only have 5.5 and/or 0.5!
  11. M

    Gravitational potential energy (roller coaster)

    V = SQRT(2AD). What does sqrt stand for? Sorry I have never used that!
  12. M

    Gravitational potential energy (roller coaster)

    The height in part a are the same right?
  13. M

    Gravitational potential energy (roller coaster)

    Kinetic energy, work. I also know that Kinetic energy is equal to work.?
  14. M

    Gravitational potential energy (roller coaster)

    Homework Statement A 1000kg roller coaster, with its passengers, starts from rest at point A( h= 9.5 m) on a friction track whose profile is shown in the diagram above at right. a) what is its maximum speed? b) with what speed does the roller coaster arrive at point e? c) What constant...
  15. M

    Need to find the net force and the average force .

    Woah what. :S Ok you said to use the 2ax = (vf)^2 - (vi)^2. and I got 6666.5 m/s^2. is it wrong? does that mean I have to go back to my original idea? Now I am beyond confused.