Recent content by Mr_Mole

  1. Mr_Mole

    Rearranging formula using logarithms

    Thank you for helping. It’s been pointed out I didn’t know the existence of the ln button. I blame the tutor for not explain that one.
  2. Mr_Mole

    Rearranging formula using logarithms

    We have a winner! If only the maths tutor had explained that. No mention of an ln button. It comes out correct now. You are my hero! It was driving me mad last night as I couldn’t see the error. I will sleep well tonight!
  3. Mr_Mole

    Rearranging formula using logarithms

    I input the values into the rearranged equation. Using the same values given and the original answer I would expect to get the original i value returned to prove I had rearranged correctly. Unless I’m missing a step somewhere in the process and doing the rearranged equation incorrectly.
  4. Mr_Mole

    Rearranging formula using logarithms

    I’m not expecting the current to be 5A at 750ms. When rearranged to make t the subject, I would expect t to be 750ms when I input the current obtained when i is the subject. That was around 5.6A. I’m getting 325ms out which led me to believe it was incorrect. This aspect of maths baffles me...
  5. Mr_Mole

    Rearranging formula using logarithms

    Because when I put values into it then I get the wrong answer. Using the information given in the question I get an answer of 5.576A for the first part. Putting that into the rearranged formula gives me a t value of 326milliseconds instead of 750milliseconds.
  6. Mr_Mole

    How did an older individual transition into a new engineering career?

    Hi. I’m an older bloke who’s found themselves in a new engineering career and back at school. How did that happen?
  7. Mr_Mole

    Rearranging formula using logarithms

    My attempt that doesn’t work. t=-RC ln(1-I/6.7)