Recent content by Mr Fallspring

  1. Mr Fallspring

    I Double-Slit Experiment: Does rate of photon emission matter?

    Indeed. To me this is something that would likely require a statistical lens, and in current times might benefit from a machine learning approach. ("Given this particular pattern, predict the emission rate (or whatever makes more sense".) Anyone aware of any work done along these lines? Is the...
  2. Mr Fallspring

    I Double-Slit Experiment: Does rate of photon emission matter?

    Thank you for you prompt and patient reply Peter! I do understand that each photon is detected as a single dot and that the pattern we discuss only emerges as more dots are recorded. I'll take care in my parlance of diffraction vs interreference going forward. Thank you for your guidance...
  3. Mr Fallspring

    Physics Teacher's Curiosity Corner: Join the Discussion!

    Hi all! I'm a high school physics teacher who has been looking for people to interact with to answer some of the questions that come up as I work with curious students. Hoping this is the place! Background: Back in the day I graduated with a BS in Astrophysics before moving to Computer Science...
  4. Mr Fallspring

    I Double-Slit Experiment: Does rate of photon emission matter?

    Hi there! High school physics teacher hoping to pick the brains of people who know more than I do here. I'm curious whether the rate of photon emission has any noticeable effect on the diffraction pattern generated by the double-slit experiment. To be clear: I understand a diffraction pattern...