Recent content by Moridin

  1. M

    The Big Rock Paradox: Stephen Hawking's Thought-Experiment

    This of course ignores the fact that F = ma, E = mc2 and so on are quite precise approximations to reality, rather than an all powerful law controlling the universe. Instead of thinking of scientific laws as controlling reality, you should think of them as precise and general descriptions of...
  2. M

    News The Troops = Bad? (surely killing is wrong)

    But this is just a definitional, rather than contextualized argument, since murder is merely defined as "unjustified killing". To state that murder is morally wrong is merely to state that unjustified killing is unjustified? Perhaps we should think about it like (Killing (Murder) )?
  3. M

    GMO Food Dangers: American Academy of Environmental Medicine's Position

    The main problem with GMO alarmists is that artificial selection of animals or plants is the exact same thing. You cannot reject one practice without also rejecting the other.
  4. M

    News OK, what did George W. Bush do right?

    That is a very conservative estimation regarding the cost of the war. Nobel Prize laureate Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard professor Linda Bilmes estimate that if you include various hidden costs, it rises to
  5. M

    Study says nearly every species of animal engages in homosexual behavior

    Is same sex sexual relations a thorough enough qualifier for non-human animal homosexuality?
  6. M

    News OK, what did George W. Bush do right?

    He did nothing right by virtue of being George W. Bush. Pretty much any president that listens to his science advisers would support alternative energy projects. But not any president would perform the unwise foreign policies that he enacted.
  7. M

    Exploring Truth: Objectively and Subjectively

    Again, this is a clearly contradictory statement. If sensory input and perception is a misleading and wrong description of reality, then you have no reason whatsoever to take part in a rational discussion. If you know that you are not reading the words that I actually wrote, but misleading and...
  8. M

    Is dualism the key to understanding human culture and consciousness?

    This statement will obviously be filled by my prejudices and biases, but it seems to me that viewing consciousness or cognition as an all-or-nothing proposition that applies to only to humans is terribly anthropocentric and extra-natural. It also seems reasonable to hold that other organisms can...
  9. M

    Physics in Movies: Realism vs. Entertainment

    This is very similar to my position. There are many, many hilarious misuses of physics (and other sciences) in movies. Getting knocked back by getting shot by a pistol, cars blowing up when you hit the gas tank etc. One question I think is worth exploring is exactly how many sins against...
  10. M

    History Books / trustworthy websites about the history of the scientific method

    Yeah, scientific methodologies did not exist prior to 1934. :-p I would suggest "A Historical Introduction to the Philosophy of Science", 4th ed., John Losee, Oxford University Press, 2001, or equivalent.
  11. M

    Study says nearly every species of animal engages in homosexual behavior

    Just because it is natural, that is, occurs frequently in nature, does not mean it is morally good; infanticide occurs frequently in nature, yet you would hardly argue that is morally good. The same criticism applies to the other side, of course. Just because something does not occur frequently...
  12. M

    News Is North Korea's Defiance of U.N. Sanctions Pushing Us Closer to War?

    Would you ignore a vicious and clearly agitated grizzly bear standing outside your fragile mobile home?
  13. M

    News The Troops = Bad? (surely killing is wrong)

    This is a very good point, and there are further complications. For instance "killing", could refer to killing an innocent by-stander for no apparent reason killing a spider that has entered your house killing microorganisms by breathing or scratching your forehead killing an intruder that...
  14. M

    Exploring Truth: Objectively and Subjectively

    This is clearly incorrect. The position that the Earth is spherical-like was reached by the evidence of the senses. What you are opposing are hasty conclusions regarding the evidence of the senses, rather than an attack on the validity of the senses. Further, you are instantly faced by a large...
  15. M

    Is dualism the key to understanding human culture and consciousness?

    Maybe if you think of cognition as gradual, rather than an all-or-nothing property, these sorts of reasoning might become clearer.