Recent content by moondawg

  1. M

    Find the maximum vertical height inc of the ball

    Homework Statement A chilld rolls a .6kg bball up a long ramp. The bball can be considered a hollow sphere. When the child releases the bball at the bottom of the ramp, it has a speed of 8m/s. Assume the work done by friction on the bball is the same when the ball moves up or down the ramp and...
  2. M

    Angular Acceleration Homework: Find w/ Radius, Mass

    Homework Statement A string is wrapped several times around the rim of a small hoop with radius .08m and mass .18kg. The free end of the string is pulled upward in just the right way so that the hoop doesn't move vertically as the string unwinds. Find the angular acceleration of the hoop as...
  3. M

    How Does Friction Affect a Sphere's Velocity on a Ramp?

    Homework Statement Suppose a sphere going 10m/s on a horiz. surface is going toward a frictionless ramp(incline of 25 degrees). Would its velocity, as it leaves the top of the ramp, be greater,less than or equal to its velocity if the ramp had friction? Homework Equations The...
  4. M

    Calculating Velocity of Sphere on Inclined Plane

    Homework Statement A large sphere rolls wothout slipping across a horizontal surface. The sphere has a constant translational speed of 10m/s,mass of 25 kg, radius of .2m. The moment of inertia of the sphere about its center of mass is I=2mr2/5. The sphere approaches a 25 degree incline of...
  5. M

    Charges on a square - find forces

    Because all of the forces were repelling i put 1 vector up, one vector perpendicular starting its right end at the tip of the first vector and my last vector connected to my 2nd vector and going in a diagonal northwest direction. then i found the hypotenuse between the 1st and 2nd vector and...
  6. M

    Engineering Engineering Management Explained | What Is It?

    Can someone explain to me what engineering management entails exactly?
  7. M

    Charges on a square - find forces

    Homework Statement A charge of 6 mC is placed at each corner of a square .1 m on each side. Determine the magnitude and driection of the force. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution so i found the force between corner 1 and 2 then 1 and 3 to = 32.4N and the force...
  8. M

    Angular velocity of an airplane propeller

    Homework Statement An airplane propeller is rotating at 1900 rev/min. Compute the propellers angular velocity. Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution I know 1rev/min= 2pi/60 rad/s so i multiplies 2pi by 1900 and got my answer to be 3800pi/60 rad/s but idk if that's correct? someone please...
  9. M

    Speed of Sound (warm air or cold air)

    As temperature increases, air particles move more, and allow for better propagation of sound waves
  10. M

    Exploring the Distinction: Civil vs. Environmental Engineering

    So if I go into environmental I will be learning the building of structures and all of that just in more depth concerning an environmental friendly way?
  11. M

    Verifying Circular Orbit of a Spacecraft

    Homework Statement If given a speed of a spacecraft , and a radius from the sun, how do you prove that it was or was not in a circular orbit about the sun? Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution To prove it is not do I just find the mass of the spacecraft and the size of...
  12. M

    Steel pulling through ice, find weight of object

    To find the weight of the object just remember to plug in all given variables into the equation F=\muN. Force and \mu are given so all you have to do is work with those 2 variables to find your normal force and thus find your weight (F=mg).
  13. M

    Exploring the Distinction: Civil vs. Environmental Engineering

    What is the difference between civil and environmental engineering?
  14. M

    Chemical Engineers: Salary Comparison to Other Engineers

    Is it true that chemical engineers make more money than any other type of engineer?