Recent content by monsterhart

  1. monsterhart

    1D Particle & Energy w/ F(x): Am I doing this right?

    I found out the equation it was looking for for Part C (##SPE_{f}## should have been eliminated as well), so I wont be needing further assistance. Thanks again.
  2. monsterhart

    1D Particle & Energy w/ F(x): Am I doing this right?

    That's not how significant digits work. When something is measured it is rounded to the most precise digit attainable, making that the significant digit, as digits beyond that could vary. When a number is not a measured value the value is considered to be exact. A given/known value of "1"...
  3. monsterhart

    1D Particle & Energy w/ F(x): Am I doing this right?

    Ah I see I forgot to write in the kg on the ##v_{f}^{2}##. I updated it. By the way, the input values are given/known values. There are no measured values in this problem, thus no limit to significant digits.
  4. monsterhart

    1D Particle & Energy w/ F(x): Am I doing this right?

    Part A: π is not a number. We are not allowed to enter symbols, nor unsolved equations like ##\frac{\pi}{8}##. Only a decimal number will be accepted. Is there some other reason why it's "nonsense?" Part B: You're right. I was thinking in terms of...
  5. monsterhart

    1D Particle & Energy w/ F(x): Am I doing this right?

    A) I just did what it said to do: $$\sin\left(4x_{1}\right)=1\implies x_{1}=\frac{\arcsin\left(1\right)}{4}\ m=\frac{\pi}{8}\ m\approx 0.392699081699\ m$$ B) I modified the method from an example from the lecture the other week: $$U\left(x\right)=-\int...
  6. monsterhart

    Can a CS Major Master Physics Engines?

    Hello, I'm a computer science major minoring in physics. I hope to work on physics engines some day, if I can live through these classes. I love learning about physics independently, but I'm not really digging the figurative knife to my throat with these deadlines.