Recent content by modaniel

  1. M

    Fourier transform of a supergausian

    Hi Mute, thanks for the replies. looks like i might have to stick to numerical transforms!
  2. M

    Fourier transform of a supergausian

    thanks mute for the reply. The supergaussian i refer to is the Aexp(-(\frac{x}{a})^{2n}) where n is positive an integer and is the order of the supergaussian.
  3. M

    Fourier transform of a supergausian

    Hi, I was wondering if anyone might know what the analytic Fourier transform of a Super-Gaussian is? cheers
  4. M

    Nonlinear evolution of the quantum mechanical state vector

    Hi, My understanding that one of the postulates of quantum mechanics is that the vector describing the quantum mechanical state of a system evolves in a linear fashion. My question is how this can be reconciled with systems where the system evolves in a non-linear fashion for example systems...
  5. M

    Postdoc positions in the states - general experience

    Hi, I was wondering if people could share with me their experiences of the workload associated with postdoc positions in the states. I am thinking of applying for some positions but i am put off by what i have previously heard - that as a postdoc you can end up doing the majority of the work...