Recent content by mkbh_10

  1. M

    Calculating average from probabilistic measurements?

    I have got a sample size of 1000 and I calculated the mean probability of success of an event by breaking this sample size into sets of 50 and also have the standard deviation and standard error of mean of this success. Now I repeat this process and have another set of data. What will be the...
  2. M

    Calculate No. of Spheres to Cover 50% of a 25m^2 Square

    If I have a square surface of 25 m^2 and I want to know how many sphere of radius r will cover 50% of the area, then how to proceed ? Should I calculate the area of circle which will form by projecting a sphere on a 2D surface, and divide 12.5 m^2 by this area to get the no. of spheres ?
  3. M

    Calculate Probability Error for 100 Exp: Sample Size of 15

    I have a sample size of 100 experiments out of which 15 are unfavorable events. I do this measurement for different initial conditions of my experiment. The sample size remains constant but the no. of unfavorable events change in each case. I calculate the probability of success in each case...
  4. M

    A question on weight function from Ashcroft and Mermin book

    I am not able to understand the top 2 lines on page 536 that are mentioned regarding the weight function mentioned in chapter 27 of ashcroft and mermin solid state physics book. I don't get the statement where the authors state Igrad(f)I/f should not be appreciably greater than the minimum...
  5. M

    Understanding tight binding model

    Explain to me the Fig 10.6 given on page 184 in Ashcroft and Mermin. How is line along gamma k not doubly degenerate and line along gamma L doubly degenerate ?
  6. M

    What Specifies Energy Bands in Solid?

    So the second one is correct ans.
  7. M

    What Specifies Energy Bands in Solid?

    n is the band index and k is the electron wave vector. Now is energy band specified when for each n , k runs through all the values available that specify periodic boundary conditions ? But in Ashcroft Mermin , it is also given that for a given k , there exists an infinite family of solutions...
  8. M

    Does a Conical End Affect the Magnetic Field Strength of a Solenoid?

    In the diagram , there are two electromagnets which are oppositely facing each other and with opposite polarities there can be enhancement of magnetic field strength. However if I have a single piece with a tapered end what would happen then . As theory says flux is proportional to area , now at...
  9. M

    Does a Conical End Affect the Magnetic Field Strength of a Solenoid?

    If instead of a disc shaped end I have a conical end , would there be any change in the measured magnetic field strength at the end of the solenoid keeping current, core and number of turns per unit length constant ?
  10. M

    Effect of ambient light on eyes when watching television

    One watched TV in ambient light to avoid strain on eyes. What role is ambient light playing and how can this be explained in terms of physics of photons which come from the TV and which come from ambient light.
  11. M

    Explaination of thermocouple chart ?

    The Y axis represents the temperature of the measurement junction in a thermo couple chart and what does the X axis represents ? This is a chart for K type thermocouple. Does it represent the temperature of the refernce junction , if...
  12. M

    Charge distribution inside the electron ?

    The page here mentions about the charge distribution inside the electron but I do not know how this assumption is made. It will be nice if some one can help me out with this.
  13. M

    Light intensity of UV component from a xenon lamp

    I have a 100watt xenon lamp , the UV component comprises of 5-6% of the total spectrum emitted by the xenon lamp . How do I calculate at what power is the UV light emitted ? Is the whole spectrum being emitted at 100 W or is the power distributed through the spectrum? How is this...
  14. M

    How do I accurately measure short circuit photocurrent?

    In my phototelectrochemical setup I have a working electrode, reference electrode and a counter electrode . Now I need to measure the short circuit photocurrent so that I can calculate IPCE (incident photon to photocurrent efficiency). How will I measure this current ?
  15. M

    Finding the intensity of radiation ?

    I have a 150 W Xenon lamp with me and I need to know what is the intensity(W/m^2) of light being radiated on a surface at x distance away . How do I do it ? Can I use a photodiode, if yes then how ?