Recent content by mite

  1. M

    Resolution of a Michelson interferometer

    How to find the resolution of a Michelson interferometer ?
  2. M

    Uncertainty product of infinite square well

    Right thank you :smile:
  3. M

    Uncertainty product of infinite square well

    In the question all the options are expressed in terms of " h " rather then " \hbar " so i used \hbar=h/(2\Pi) hence i got the last step
  4. M

    Uncertainty product of infinite square well

    \Psi=\sqrt{}(2/L) Sin(\Pix/L) <x>=\int(2/L) (Sin(\Pix/L)^2 x dx {in the limit 0 to L} <x>=L/2 <x^2>=\int(2/L) (Sin(\Pix/L))^2 x^2 dx {in the limit 0 to L} <x^2>=(L^2 / 3) - ( L^2 / (2 \Pi^2) <p>=\int(2/L) Sin(\Pix/L) (-i \hbar d/dx) Sin(\Pix/L) dx {in the limit 0 to L} <p>=0...
  5. M

    Uncertainty product of infinite square well

    For the ground state of a particle moving freely in a one-dimentional box 0\leqx\leqL with rigid reflecting end-points, the uncertainty product (del x)(del p) is 1 h/2 2 sqrt{2}h 3 >h/2 4 h/sqrt{3} I used (del x)^2 =<x^2>-<x>^2 and (del p)^2 =<p^2>-<p>^2 Using the wavefunction of...
  6. M

    Calculating f(x) at x=0.01 using Transcedental Equation Cos(x)-e^(-x^2/2)

    i tried doing that one time when there is a sine function other terms have x terms so at x=0 it is zero another time when there is cos function there is one term such as exp(-(x^2/2)) which cancels it so at x=0 it is zero
  7. M

    Calculating f(x) at x=0.01 using Transcedental Equation Cos(x)-e^(-x^2/2)

    It is e^(-(x^2)/2) .when both are considered second derivative is zero
  8. M

    Calculating f(x) at x=0.01 using Transcedental Equation Cos(x)-e^(-x^2/2)

    f(x)=Cos(x)-e^(-x^2/2) Value of f(x) at x=0.01 I tried linearising at x=0 but higher derivatives are zero at x=0 .Please help me proceed
  9. M

    Exploring Time Travel in the Quantum World

    Is time travel possible quantum world?
  10. M

    Plotting Vector Field: V=(xi+yj+zk)/\sqrt{}(x^2+y^2+z^2)

    How to plot this vector field on a graph \stackrel{}{\rightarrow} V=(xi+yj+zk)/\sqrt{}(x^2+y^2+z^2)
  11. M

    Projectile motion - small rock thrown at beehive

    The rock is thrown at an angle isn't it then the initial velocity can be resolved into two components one along the horizontal direction and another along vertical direction right As there is force along the vertical direction (in opposite direction to motion hence decelerates) vertical...
  12. M

    What Are the Two Numbers in the Sum and Product Puzzle?

    Homework Statement There are two unknown numbers each between 2 & 99 person 'P' is told the product and person 'S' is told the sum when asked about the two numbers their conversation is as follows P-I don't know them S-I knew that already P-Then I know the two numbers P-Then I know...
  13. M

    Massless Particles: At Rest & Why?

    Hi Hootenanny Sorry for bothering I saw the proof that massless particles should travel at the speed light in another thread. I was just trying to prove it myself thinking wt would happen if we have a massless particle . I think it is wrong.
  14. M

    Massless Particles: At Rest & Why?

    Thanks for replying I understand massless particles travel at light speed & we cannot have massless particles at rest. but if we just consider we have a massless particle at rest & suppose we apply a small force on it. As massless particle wouldn't oppose being accelerated so its velocity...