Recent content by Millek_55

  1. M

    Ubuntu (or another distro) on a crowded SSD

    Thanks to everyone for all the answers. At the moment, I'm leaning towards installing a Linux distro on an external SSD (I was considering Samsung T7 500gb), at least as a temporary setup. Any opinion on this?
  2. M

    Ubuntu (or another distro) on a crowded SSD

    So you are suggesting to change my 128gb SSD with a bigger one. Sorry for the lack of knowledge, but I guess this means then reinstalling Windows from scratch on the new drive, which would be a bit bothersome. Or is there a way to backup everything and simply transfer Windows in the same state...
  3. M

    Ubuntu (or another distro) on a crowded SSD

    I'm a Master student in Physics and my professor for the thesis suggested to use an OS different than Windows, so I want to install a Linux distro in dual boot since I don't want to completely leave Win10 at the moment. I shall point out that I will be working in condensed matter physics (DMRG)...