Recent content by mhsd91

  1. mhsd91

    Negative Critical Correlation Length Exponent (Nu)

    Hi everyone, I've encountered a curious problem I just can't figure out, and any input would be much appriciated!This is a personal project I'm working on, and as far as I know, there is no one else working on exactly the same. However, the computational study of critical phenomena is quite...
  2. mhsd91

    Understanding the Debye Model for Solids: Masses and Springs

    Well, I must disagree with you on this one. It is by no means trivial to solve the equations of motion for a 3D-system of masses connected with springs. I have a background in computational physics and mathematical modeling. Without having looked to much into the details, I would guess there...
  3. mhsd91

    The Matrix Exponent of the Identity Matrix, I

    So, essentially, all I wonder is: What is the The Matrix Exponent of the Identity Matrix, I? Silly question perhaps, but here follows my problem. Per definition, the Matrix Exponent of the matrix A is, e^{A} = I + A + \frac{A^2}{2} + \ldots = I + \sum_{k=1}^{\infty} \frac{A^k}{k!} =...
  4. mhsd91

    Sum of a geometric series of complex numbers

    I have another approach, which almost solved it. I think something is wrong with problem itself, or perhaps som eother information is missing. However, will give my seconds try, and perhaps you'll find, some mistake I made and solve it... Anyways, S_n(\theta) = \sum \limits _{k=-n}^n...
  5. mhsd91

    Sum of a geometric series of complex numbers

    Are you absolutely sure you printed the problem correctly? I ask since I get the following, S_n (\theta) = \sum \limits _{k=-n}^{n} e^{ik\theta} = 1 + \sum \limits _{k=1}^{n} \left( e^{ik\theta} + e^{-ik\theta} \right) = 1 + 2 \sum \limits _{k=1}^{n} \cos (k \theta ) Where I see no...
  6. mhsd91

    2D Stationary advection-diffusion eq. as a BVP

    What you suggest is of course interesting. I fear however, I've already tried this: The Fourier (and Laplace) integral transform are indeed popular approaches for the non-stationary cases. Since I have stationarity, what you write there is equal to zero. Thus, 0 = D (\mu^2 + \nu^2) P(\mu,\nu)...
  7. mhsd91

    2D Stationary advection-diffusion eq. as a BVP

    Indeed, you're absolutley right. My problem is that I'm working on a project where we're supposed to solve this eq. numerically, but by looking at it, I was really certain I could solve it analytically. It would be really nice to have such an analytical solution to compare with the numerical.
  8. mhsd91

    2D Stationary advection-diffusion eq. as a BVP

    PROBLEM FORMULATION: Considering the region \Omega bounded as a square box within x \in [0,1], y \in [0,1] . We wish to solve the 2D, stationary, advection-diffusion equation, 0 = D\nabla^2 \rho(x,y) + \vec{V} \cdot \nabla \rho(x,y) where D is a scalar constant, and \vec{V} =...
  9. mhsd91

    Questions/problems for Solid State Physics I

    I would personally recommend visiting different universities' websites for exams. For instance, here is a list of some exams at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU): for an introductory course on solid state physics...
  10. mhsd91

    Spectral analysis and displacement law

    I divided my answer in two for multiple reasons, I hope is is okay, and here follows the second part, regarding Wiens Displacement law. I'm not entirely sure if I understand your question, as a temperature does not have a wavelength. What Wien's Disp. law states, is that a black object (as...
  11. mhsd91

    Spectral analysis and displacement law

    I divided my answer into two. This is the first part considering: Well, it depends on multiple factors (and I welcome all to correct or improve my answer). I suggest you take a look at Einstein's theory of Photoelectricity. Light (photons) are absorbed by an atom if the photon's energy...
  12. mhsd91

    What is the concept behind Diffraction, n , Finding Dark/Bright Spots

    Hi again! How are you doing, figured it out yet? Reading my own answers made me realize I could have formulated myself much better. Besides, I have made a rather crucial mistake which you actually point out! Creds to you!:) You write that we can se from the condition to find the minimun...
  13. mhsd91

    Correlation Function of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process

    Hi and thanks for the replay! I forgot to update this as I figured it out. I hope that it may be of help to anyone who's also struggling with this. I did just as you say to prove the Markovian and stationary property. Concerning stationarity, I applied the Wiener–Khinchin theorem, found the...
  14. mhsd91

    What is the concept behind Diffraction, n , Finding Dark/Bright Spots

    Hi again! I'm sorry I haven't been able to answer before now as I've been struggling with a project of my own. Anyways, let's see.. First, this MIT-paper answers all your questions in a really good way. I highly recommend you just read from the start of chapter 14.4 (it is not very long!)...
  15. mhsd91

    Correlation Function of the Ornstein-Uhlenbeck Process

    Having giving the problem another look, I'm now able to specify the problem a little: A OU process is characterized by beein the only non-trivial process having all of the three properties, Gaussian Stationary (in time) Markovian Then showing and confirming these for my numerical...