Recent content by merlinMan

  1. M

    Recommendations for Self-Teaching Linear Algebra Textbook

    Would anyone be able to recommend an excellent linear algebra textbook that you could essentially teach yourself from? Unfortunately I have a grad student who is more concerned with getting his Phd than helping the students.
  2. M

    Linear Algebra - Transformations

    We are doing linear transformations in geometry. We have a projection in three dimensional space onto a line. Do we basically treat this as the same as a two dimensional projection? Also, anyone know of a really good linear algebra textbook that you could basically teach yourself from? I'm...
  3. M

    Calculating Kinetic Friction Using F=ma and X_0*K

    Could you walk me through that . . . I'm still lost.
  4. M

    Calculating Kinetic Friction Using F=ma and X_0*K

    a block of mass M is held on a horizontal table against a compressed horizontal (massless) spring. When released from rest, the block is launched along the tabletop and eventually comes to a stop after sliding a total distance L. The initial spring compression is x_0 and the spring constant is...
  5. M

    Relative Velocity as far as I can tell

    Ahh doh! stupid, thanks for your help
  6. M

    Relative Velocity as far as I can tell

    See, I tried Time = Distance/Velocity. Then I added the two times together, Distance/(Velocity West) + Distance/(Velocity East) = 6.7 From there I got a equation I really couldn't work out. Is that how its done? I got so muddled down in the equation I figured I was doing it wrong. If not...
  7. M

    Relative Velocity as far as I can tell

    Before I get to the problem, Id just like to say a big thank you to all of you who help out and answer all of our questions. While many of them appear basic, to us they are daunting. It's nice to have a place to turn to when your professor barely speaks english and isn't a whole lot of help...
  8. M

    Finding Angle for Ball to be Thrown to Catch Woman

    So . . . 1. This would be ... 0= 45+ 20sin(X)t -\frac{9.8}{2}t^2 right? 2. 6t = 20cos(x)t right? I understand that . . . but I don't see where to go. In equation 2, if I divide by 6t the t's cancel out and I get \frac{20cos(x)}{6} = 0 Use quadratic to solve for the first...
  9. M

    Finding Angle for Ball to be Thrown to Catch Woman

    A ball is thrown from a bliff with an initial speed of 20m/s from the edge of a 45m high cliff. At the same time, a woman is running away from the cliff at a speed of 6m/s. She runs until she catches the ball. at what angle above the horizon should the ball be thrown so that she can catch ball...
  10. M

    Projectile Motion - A little Lost

    Got it! Okay sorry for wasting the thread space. All I had to do was arctan(V0y/V0x) and voila! Guess it's better that I figured it out on my own anyway. Ahh the learning process.
  11. M

    Projectile Motion - A little Lost

    Wow, things are starting to click. The learning process I presume? Well, I got the initial speed. Yay! Now just to find the angle . . . Feel free to pitch in.
  12. M

    Projectile Motion - A little Lost

    Okay, I figured out the first part of the porblem. I just needed to set the position function for the quarterback equal to the position for the ball. Now the rest, still working on it. Help! The speed component, that is basically the magnitude of the vector correct? So how do I relate . . . . .
  13. M

    Projectile Motion - A little Lost

    I've been trying to figure this problem out and I'm a little confused. Here is the problem. A quarterback is set up to throw the football to a receiver who is running with a constant velocity Vr directly away from the quarterback and is now a distance D away from the quarterback. The...