Recent content by mechanic667

  1. mechanic667

    Elasticity of a Tubular Cantilever Beam

    Van mises for this case I don't believe so. Essentially what the problem looks like is a a metal tube coming out of a hole in a plastic part, however, once outside the hole there is no plastic material below the metal tube, meaning it can deflect downwards freely if that makes sense. Sorry if...
  2. mechanic667

    Elasticity of a Tubular Cantilever Beam

    Essentially I have a metal tube sticking out of a hole of a plastic part. The metal tube is glued inside of the plastic part prior to exiting the hole. This hole has a relatively small clearance between the plastic part and metal tube, therefore I am treating this problem as a cantilever beam...
  3. mechanic667

    Elasticity of a Tubular Cantilever Beam

    I have a problem where I have a metal tube that I am modeling as a cantilever beam which is fixed at one end and has a point load at the other end. The material of this beam is 304 stainless steel, the inner diameter is 0.5mm, the outer diameter is 2mm, and the length of the beam is 4.15mm. With...