Recent content by Maybe_Memorie

  1. M

    Moving between institutions at different stages

    I want to eventually work in string theory and QFT integrability. I did my Bachelor at the top university in my country, and wrote a research level paper as my final project (wasn't published, but the results were non-trivial). My supervisor was a pretty big name in the field as were two other...
  2. M

    Quantum QFT books in order of difficulty

    Easiest to most difficult; 1. Every book that isn't Weinberg. 2. Weinberg. But seriously, difficulty is a relative concept. Are you talking just about intro QFT? Otherwise you could include books on N=4 SYM and curved space QFT which are obviously much more advanced than introductory topics...
  3. M

    High Energy Learning N=4 SYM: Where to Start?

    I'm looking to start learning N=4 SYM. I know QFT at the level of the first two sections of Peskin and Schroeder, up the the renormalization group stuff. I don't know any Yang Mills or Supersymmetry. What is the best place to begin? Looking for books or arxiv notes. Thanks
  4. M

    Making Lagrangian gauge invariant

    Homework Statement [/B] The Lagrangian ##\mathcal{L}\frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu\phi^\nu)^2+\frac{1}{2}(\partial_\mu\phi^\mu)^2+\frac{m^2}{2}(\phi_\mu\phi^\mu)^2## for the vector field ##\phi^\mu## is not invariant with respect to the gauge transformation ##\phi^\mu\rightarrow...
  5. M

    Importance of GPA vs specific grades

    I'm in the UK system and will probably graduate with a high 2:1, missing out on a First Class Honours due to mediocre grades in my early years due to burnout and lack of interest. However, the grades in the areas I'm interested in are quite good - high first class honours grades in each one, and...
  6. M

    Fermion Current Commutators in 2 dimensions

    Bumping this as it is the exact question I posted yesterday.
  7. M

    How Do Fermion Commutation Relations Affect Current Operators in 2D Spacetime?

    Homework Statement Consider left-handed fermions in two spacetime dimensions ##(t,x)##: ##\psi_L=\frac{1}{2}(1-\gamma_5)\psi_D## with ##J_0^\epsilon(t,x)=\psi_L^+(x+\epsilon)\psi_L(x-\epsilon)##. (a). Use canonical equal-time anti-commutation relations for fermions to compute...
  8. M

    What is the recommended resource for learning the basics of AdS/CFT?

    Thanks for all the links! Really looking forward to seeing these two.
  9. M

    Evaluating this contour integral

    I was reading a paper which featured the following horrendous integral ##\displaystyle\prod_{n=1}^L\oint_{C_n}\frac{dx_n}{2\pi i}\prod_{k<l}^L(x_k-x_l)\prod_{m=1}^L\frac{Q_w(x_m)}{Q^+_\theta(x_m)Q^-_\theta(x_m)}## where ##Q^\pm_\theta(x)=\prod_{k=1}^L(u-\theta_k\pm \frac{i}{2})## and...
  10. M

    QED Feynmann Diagram Momentum Int Integral Calc

    Ahh right okay. But how would the ##i\epsilon## terms be included then? I'm guessing since they're infinitesimal we can just put them in? Is my amplitude for the first diagram in my last post correct?
  11. M

    QED Feynmann Diagram Momentum Int Integral Calc

    Figured there was no point creating a new thread. Anyway, I want to evaluate the following diagram in momentum space. Using the Feynman rules and what I've learned from the previous problem I would expect to get...
  12. M

    What is the recommended resource for learning the basics of AdS/CFT?

    I'm looking to start learning the basics of AdS/CFT, in particular AdS/CFT integrability, over the summer before I start grad school. By the time I finish my undergrad I will have a good background in QFT (first 12 chapters of Peskin & Schroeder), GR (Sean Carroll's notes and Wald), quantum...
  13. M

    Math QFT Books: Arnold, Takhtajan & Beyond

    Are there any QFT books written from a mathematical perspective? Something in the same vain as V. Arnolds Mechanics and Takhtajan's QM. Thanks.