Recent content by Matthew-Champion

  1. M

    B Could Spontaneous symmetry breaking cause momentum change in an atom?

    Thank you for the clarification. in this example If the pencil is equally likely to fall in any direction is there an aspect of the underlying law I could assign the change in momentum of the pencil to? an equal possibility of any outcome implies the pencil was stationary at the start of the...
  2. M

    B Could Spontaneous symmetry breaking cause momentum change in an atom?

    From what I've read A brief summary of how I understand it is that spontaneous symmetry breaking is a process which allows small fluctuations on a sub atomic level to affect aspects of a larger system and when occurring in a spontaneous manner these fluctuations cannot change or distort the form...
  3. M

    B Could Spontaneous symmetry breaking cause momentum change in an atom?

    If you were to fire a single atom from a fixed point into a chamber of perfect vacuum and measure where it collides with the opposite wall. Could Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the sub atomic particles cause momentum change in the atom, changing the part of the wall the atom interacted with?
  4. M

    I am perplexed at the cognitive dissonance you have when dealing in matters of clarification...

    I am perplexed at the cognitive dissonance you have when dealing in matters of clarification. You closed a thread suggesting that I was not attempting to educate myself further in maths which is exactly what I was trying to do. It is no wonder I cannot learn more mathematics if the people I ask...
  5. M

    I Observe Hawking Rad. in Black Hole?

    I understand you point. obviously there a language barrier for me that i cannot cross I see your point. yes i agree. obviously there is a language barrier I am not able to cross. if you are willing to listen bare with me and i will post the physics that lead me to this assertion. unfortunately...
  6. M

    I Observe Hawking Rad. in Black Hole?

    Theoretically could an observer in a black hole perceive hawking radiation escaping the black hole as a black hole within the black hole? Also if so maybe that black hole could produce a radiation similar to or related to hawking radiation (Making a strange entangled system for conservation of...
  7. M

    B Are photons entangled with a component of the atom that emitted them?

    Thank you for your reply. yes I see where I went wrong. I got all exited before thinking properly. oh well thank you for the concise answer.
  8. M

    B Are photons entangled with a component of the atom that emitted them?

    If an atom were made to release a Photon, then a number of the components of the atoms nucleus were theoretically extremely quickly removed. would the previously emitted photon change wave length?