Recent content by mathsTKK

  1. M

    Exploring Possibility of Splitting EM Wave Components

    Hi eveyone, I am new to this forum and I hope that I can gain lots from this forum. Recently, one question comes into my mind, that is about the possibility of splitting the electric component and magnetic component of EM wave. This two components seem to always stick together. However, if...
  2. M

    Magnetic motor (contradicts 2nd law of thermodynamic? )

    'so the disk has no way to spin past each magnet with more energy than someone was to give it initially' I don't really get the reason behind actually. Would you mind explain the sentence above? My doubt is why will the disk spin faster and faster if no energy is used to do that? Is magnet the...
  3. M

    Magnetic motor (contradicts 2nd law of thermodynamic? )

    Hi, everyone ! I am a new member to PF but I find it helpful as people will give ideas and suggestions for me :) Recently,I come across something called as a magnetic motor. From the design, a few permanent magnets are placed on the edge of a circular disk. Then, as another magnet approaches...
  4. M

    Ricci Tensor: Understanding the Mathematics & Concepts

    Hi everyone, I am new to PF but truly appreciate the kind assistance from all people in this forum. I am very interested in learning Relativity as I really want to know it essence either in its Physics or Mathematics. I have a little basics on integration and some vector calculus. Amazed by...
  5. M

    Is There a Software that Can Predict Chemical Reactions?

    Wow, that's much deeper into the field ! Actually what I need for my research is to know how the molecule I have created reacts with different kind of chemical. Is it possible to find such a software which can help me to predict the products formed? Thanks for your kind assistance ^^ Much...
  6. M

    Is There a Software that Can Predict Chemical Reactions?

    I heard something about ROBIA but can that be downloaded? I hope someone can help me ^^
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    Is There a Software that Can Predict Chemical Reactions?

    Good evening, everyone :) i m mathsTKK, new member od physics forum, nice to know everyone in this forum ;) I have a question regarding chemical software which can help me a lot. I am currently using Accelyrs 3.1 to do some research, but I meet some difficulties in fully using it as some of...
  8. M

    Remove sugar from industrial wastewater

    According to the water report, the BOD and COD are particularly high. COD 19.8 compared to standard of 20 whereas BOD 5000++ compared to standard of just 80 mg/L. Besides, the concentration of iron is 1.3 compared to 1.0 as the standard limit. The flow rate is 900-1000 L/Hr. The factory...
  9. M

    Remove sugar from industrial wastewater

    Can someone please help me? tq :)
  10. M

    Remove sugar from industrial wastewater

    Good evening everyone! I am new to this forum, nice to know any member in this forum ^^ I have a question here which I can't figure out how to solve a problem. Recently, I have been asked about the water filtration system in a factory which produce sweets. The sugar can't be removed from the...
  11. M

    Force acting on a projectile - trying to understand the question

    Hi everyone ! I am a new member in the forum ;) I would like to ask something regarding this question too ^^ Can i find s using the equation s= ut + 1/2at^2 ? Thank you everyone ^^
  12. M

    Work done on a satellite ( Physics Problem )

    thepatient : Thanks for your concern thepatient ;) Erm,, regarding your comment I would like to ask, do you mean that I will have to assume that the satellite is geostationary?Because the speed or the angular velocity of the satellite isn't stated in the question. And,, if I would like to use...
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    Work done on a satellite ( Physics Problem )

    Delphi51 : Thanks for your concern Delphi51 :) From your suggestion,can I substitute 1/2mv^2 with GmM/2r ? and by substituting the equation, I got an answer of 1.5 x 10^10 J ,still faraway from the given answer 2.3 x10^10 J. I really wonder why the value is 2.3 ? How to get to the answer. And...
  14. M

    Work done on a satellite ( Physics Problem )

    Homework Statement What is the work done to place a satellite of mass 600kg which orbits the Earth at a radius of 8.00 x 10^6 m. The Attempt at a Solution 1st attempt : W= F x d = GmM/(r^2) x r = GmM/r where r is the radius of the satellite The answer I got is 3 x 10^10 J which is...
  15. M

    Real and complex Roots of A cubic equation

    Homework Statement Find the roots of y-y^3=1 Homework Equations The Attempt at a Solution Factor theorem doesn't help in this equation. Found from Wikipedia, a very complex formula is needed to solve cubic eq. Can someone show me the steps to find the root? Thank you ^^