Recent content by Maslova

  1. Maslova

    B Position of a particle and photons

    Thanks for the explanation! 🤩
  2. Maslova

    B Position of a particle and photons

    Science popularization, science communication
  3. Maslova

    B Position of a particle and photons

    Scientific divulgation
  4. Maslova

    B Position of a particle and photons

    This is the book. Just in Portuguese
  5. Maslova

    B Position of a particle and photons

    but it’s in Portuguese
  6. Maslova

    B Position of a particle and photons

    Once I have read that we can’t know a actual position of a particle because to see the particle we need to send photons and when we send photons it colides with the particle and change it’s position. Is this true?