Recent content by Marty4691

  1. M

    I Exploring the Limitations of Preon Models in Particle Physics

    It's the coherence of the mixed state that's the issue, not the individual mass eigenstates. The three mass eigenstates are treated as particles, but nothing holds them together. They're just assumed to remain together to maintain coherence of the mixed state. But the universe is full of fields...
  2. M

    I Exploring the Limitations of Preon Models in Particle Physics

    The SM seems to side-step the issue. A basic assumption in the neutrino sector is that the mass eigenstates maintain coherence over very large distances. But no rigorous justification is given for this assumption. How mass eigenstates do this still seems to be an open question...
  3. M

    I Exploring the Limitations of Preon Models in Particle Physics

    I'm not advocating the preon models, but I was just wondering if you considered neutrinos as "composite" particles. They appear to be a mixed states of three mass eigenstates. So, a "composite" of three particles even if the particles aren't observable...
  4. M

    I Conservation of Quantity: Noether's Theorem

    Before I forget, PFers might be interested to know that SO(3,3) space-time has two classes of spin one-half particle. One class of particles has spin angular momentum, as usual. The other class of "particles" has spin angular energy and the following two properties: (1) They are either...
  5. M

    I Conservation of Quantity: Noether's Theorem

    Nice macroscopic example. I guess I would argue that we may not understand causality at the quantum scale. Take spin angular momentum. We know from Noether's theorem that it is associated with space rotations, but we are told that there is no actual physical rotation in space, it's an internal...
  6. M

    I Conservation of Quantity: Noether's Theorem

    So, it turns out that fresh_42 was right: mathematically, there is a conserved quantity due to invariance under time rotations ( This quantity has the same units of measure as the Planck constant. For lack of a better name, perhaps we can refer to it as...
  7. M

    I Leptons and the Lorentz Group O(3,3)

    Thanks jedishrfu. Just to be clear: O(3,3) space is a mathematical space and the linked article makes no claims about the physics in O(3,3). As mentioned above the mathematical properties and relationships of some group theory algebras in O(3,3) overlap with the mathematical properties and...
  8. M

    I Leptons and the Lorentz Group O(3,3)

    Here's a breakdown of O(3,3): O(3,3) has three O(3,1) subspaces (Minkowski) and three O(1,3) subspaces (associated with one space dimension and three time dimensions). Each of these subspaces is associated with a unique SU(2) x SU(2) subalgebra. A spinor transforms under the spin 1/2...
  9. M

    I Leptons and the Lorentz Group O(3,3)

    This is note about O(3,3) space-time. The related article is: Here's some background: In O(3,1) space-time (Minkowski), the six generators of rotations and boosts can form an SU(2) x SU(2) Lie algebra. This algebra is then used generically by all the...
  10. M

    I Conservation of Quantity: Noether's Theorem

    I apologize for taking up so much of your time fresh_42. Thanks for all your replies. In case your interested, there is a really good walk through of Noether's theorem for normal space-time in Schwichtenberg, J. : Physics from Symmetry. 2nd ed., Springer 2017 Gotta go. Cheers, Marty4691
  11. M

    I Conservation of Quantity: Noether's Theorem

    Ok, so we make it a purely mathematical exercise. We create a mathematical environment with two time coordinates and we assume that the conserved quantity doesn't have physical meaning. It seems possible that Noether's theorem might give us a mathematical expression for the conserved quantity...
  12. M

    I Conservation of Quantity: Noether's Theorem

    I'm going to try and paraphrase your reply. I think you're saying that even if we come up with a conserved quantity via Noether's theorem, it "lives" in O(3,2) space-time and may not be physically defined in an O(3,1) space-time because the conserved value may dependent on two time variables...
  13. M

    I Conservation of Quantity: Noether's Theorem

    If we just stick to the math, do you know if anyone has figured out Noether's theorem for time rotations?
  14. M

    I Conservation of Quantity: Noether's Theorem

    Could we add another time dimension to Minkowski space-time to allow the rotation?