Recent content by Marmoteer

  1. M

    What's the pressure acting on this fluid?

    I understand that as an incompressible fluid flows through a pipe with decreasing cross sectional area the velocity increases. This must happen for the mass/volume continuity equations to be true. Since the velocity is increasing though there has to be a net pressure on the fluid right? My...
  2. M

    Is this a correct derivation of Moment of Inertia?

    Hello everybody! This is the derivation (for a single particle). \tau = F_{\perp }r \ = ma_{\perp}r \ = \alpha mr^2 \\ \text{if }\ \tau = I\alpha \text{ where } I \text{ is resistance to accleration then } \\ I = mr^2 I'm curious what the problem with this is because I haven't...
  3. M

    Confusions about Position Independent Code

    Right, on Windows relocations are performed to keep the code position independent. I'm pretty sure I understand the mechanism of position independent code on x86 (using instruction relative addressing) I'm just confused why (for linux) the GOT is accessed and used to address the data indirectly...
  4. M

    Confusions about Position Independent Code

    Hello! I was reading this excellent article about position independent code and it's implementation for shared libraries. I'm still confused about one part though. My current understanding is that the offset between the code section and data section is known at compile time. Since this offset...
  5. M

    Generating a square wave with a PIC12F

    Man I'm dumb. The problem was just that the pins weren't set for regular IO. Should have read more closely, to fix it this is all that has to be added bank0 movlw b'00000111' ; Disables comparator functions movwf CMCON0 bank1 clrf ANSEL ; Disables analog stuff This can be found in...
  6. M

    Generating a square wave with a PIC12F

    Hi, using a PIC12F683 I'm attempting to toggle an IO pin every time the internal timer overflows (via the timer interrupt) but I can't seem to get it working. I'm viewing the voltage of the pin on a scope, expecting a square wave and getting a constant 5 volts. Also I've read the official...
  7. M

    Regarding functions how can simplifying a function change it's domain

    Oops Sorry I meant to write g(-1) ≠ f(-1)
  8. M

    Regarding functions how can simplifying a function change it's domain

    for example if f(x) = \frac{x^{2} - 1}{x+1} they by factoring: f(x) = \frac{x^{2} - 1}{x+1} = \frac{(x + 1)(x - 1)}{x+1} = x - 1 thus the simplified version is x - 1 let's say g(x) = simplified f(x) g(x) = x - 1 meaning g(x) = f(x) but g(-1) ≠ f(-1) am I missing something?