Recent content by markmac

  1. M

    How many g-forces are experienced by this object

    Unfortunately, the whole scale idea is out of the question, that is why I turned to physics equations! Thanks anyway!
  2. M

    How many g-forces are experienced by this object

    Thanks for your help mezarashi! As I mentioned before, I am not looking for an exact precise answer. I am just looking for a ballpark figure. So could you figure out how many G forces I would experience (roughly) if I fell from 1.5 feet on to the ground, weighing 210 pounds? I know there are a...
  3. M

    How many g-forces are experienced by this object

    Ok, for sake of simplifying this problem, how would I determine the G forces I would experience if I tried the experiment above, jumping off a height of 3 inches, and not bending my knees... Taking for granted that I just "fell" from that height, and landed on the ground? And for argument sake...
  4. M

    How many g-forces are experienced by this object

    Anyone have any ideas on this? This problem has been driving me nuts! LOL
  5. M

    How many g-forces are experienced by this object

    I guess I didn't think of that. It is not an extremely accurate problem, so I would say equivalent to dropping a sandbag on the ground. I would say that would be a fairly immediate deceleration time? Thanks for your help
  6. M

    How many g-forces are experienced by this object

    Hello everyone. I know this may be a simple problem for some, however I am having a hard time figuring it out. I need to figure out how many g-forces are experienced when dropping a 210 pound (95.2kg) object a distance of 1.5 feet. Thus I can figure out how much that object "weighed" at the...