Recent content by Marc Nash

  1. Marc Nash

    Understanding the Dual Nature of Light: A Science Layman's Questions

    ah that makes perfect sense. Many thanks once again
  2. Marc Nash

    Understanding the Dual Nature of Light: A Science Layman's Questions

    many thanks for your responses. Just one follow up, if c is the escape velocity of the event horizon, doesn't light travel at c, so couldn't light in the black hole escape? I mean I kn ow it can't, but why not?
  3. Marc Nash

    Understanding the Dual Nature of Light: A Science Layman's Questions

    As a writer, light is as crucial as it is to physicists. But I'm struggling with some conceptual understanding surrounding light. If you could supply any answers to this science layman I would be very grateful. 1) Without light there is no way of observing and measuring. So light is both itself...
  4. Marc Nash

    How Does Modern Physics Inspire Fiction Writers Like Marc Nash?

    many thanks, looking forward to playing a modest part
  5. Marc Nash

    Can a book from the future save a woman's life in the past?

    it is a paradox and the perennial one from "Up The Line" to "Terminator", "Looper" et al. "Looper" didn't even try and offer an explanation to justify itself. Anyway, inspired by the paradoxes in "Terminator" I wrote a time travel novel "Time After Time" that has Schrodinger's Cat & The...
  6. Marc Nash

    How Does Modern Physics Inspire Fiction Writers Like Marc Nash?

    Hi there, my name is Marc Nash from London and I write fiction. Why am I here? Because modern physics has all the best metaphors and most interesting paradigms that leaves us writers hanging our heads in shame. I am a lay person in science, having studied physics only to O-Level (in the UK) when...