Recent content by Manraj singh

  1. Manraj singh

    Evolution and theory of conservation of energy

    Life started from a single cell, right? And now we have countless number of cells on our planet. So is this like new matter being created? So there is more energy on the planet as of now? How is the energy on the planet being conserved? I possibly framed the question wrong, but I hope you...
  2. Manraj singh

    Why do some cultures use music to cope with emotions?

    I have come across some articles saying that the reason we like music is that its auditory cheesecake. And i think someone called steven pinker came up with it. Can someone please shed some light into the matter, what does it mean? Simple explanation please.
  3. Manraj singh

    Why does water from surface water bodies evaporate?

    I mean, isn't the boiling point of water 100 degrees celcius. Even in the hottest of places the temperature does not normally go beyond 45 degrees celcius. So how is all this evaporation taking place?
  4. Manraj singh

    Ethnic and cultural differences

    I will give you an example. Baseball is not a popular sport in india. Virtually non existent. Now what if an Indian born in USA is physically fit and gets engrossed in playing baseball. Now would his performance be as good as the others with the same amount of practice, or would there be a...
  5. Manraj singh

    Shadow of Steam: Seeing the Unseen

    My mother was ironing clothes a few days ago, and the iron was really hot. It was giving out steam, i couldn't see it, but i could see its shadow on the wall. How so?
  6. Manraj singh

    A few questions on natural selection

    Thats my question. If i am not mistaken, fishes came into existence before land animals. So, why did only some fishes come out, or 'want' to come out.
  7. Manraj singh

    A few questions on natural selection

    Oh. So 'adapt to survive.'
  8. Manraj singh

    A few questions on natural selection

    I know very little about natural selection, so: Why didn't all the creatures evolve? I mean , why is it that some fishes came to the land, or why did not all monkeys turn into humans? And is it possible that someday the monkeys on the trees turn into humans?
  9. Manraj singh

    Ethnic and cultural differences

    Yes. Sorry for the late reply.
  10. Manraj singh

    No Fossil Fuels: Will We Find New Alternatives?

    I agree with you. Although it is a possibility, it will be expensive, and then again, so much fuel will be used in sending the rocket to space in the first place. As of now, not viable, but maybe later, considering how we are progressing.
  11. Manraj singh

    Ethnic and cultural differences

    *This is in no way supposed to be a hate post* Nordic people are said to be physically very fit and smart. It was said be Hitler that they were the superior Aryan arce. Then Ashkenazi Jews are very good at chess. People from certain regions in Africa are great runners. There are loads of more...
  12. Manraj singh

    No Fossil Fuels: Will We Find New Alternatives?

    Well ,it seems like we have a decent chance of finding some by 2028. I read in the may edition of popular science that if everything goes according to plan, we will have captured an asteroid, which will probably have vast reserves of fossil fuels. There is a good chance.