Recent content by lyn83716

  1. lyn83716

    What will the FBD of 2 blocks being pulled look like?

    I posted the attempt in the reply
  2. lyn83716

    What will the FBD of 2 blocks being pulled look like?

    I posted my own attempt in the replies
  3. lyn83716

    What will the FBD of 2 blocks being pulled look like?

    Attempt: Block A FBD: -force of gravity of block a (Fga) pointing downwards which equals to the force of normal of block a pointing upwards(Fgn) -friction between block a and block b? i don't know Block B FBD: -force of gravity pointing downwards, force of A on B pointing downwards -normal...
  4. lyn83716

    What will the FBD of 2 blocks being pulled look like?

    Homework Statement Block A is on top of Block B, both are of equal mass and size. Block B is being pulled by a hook at a constant velocity. There is friction between the table and block B. Homework Equations [/B] What will each FBD look like? Is there friction between Block A and Block B...