Recent content by lurflurf

  1. L

    How Did 1886 Dutch Students Solve This Complex Math Problem?

    What is partial integration? You mean like this? $$\int \mathrm{f}(x,y,z) \partial{}x$$ or this $$\int u\, dv=u\, v-\int v\, du$$ maybe your friend should work on his communication skills. The student probably did not know what he was on about. What is forth semester physics these days? Is that...
  2. L

    I Understanding Euler Method: Finding Initial Condition of y(0)=1

    The initial condition is part of the problem statement. You do not figure out the initial condition, it is given to you. Keep in mind that Euler's method while simple is very unstable. I don't know what you are doing with f(x,y) the example shows how to find it.
  3. L

    What are the implied domain and range of cos(arctan(x))?

    To find the implied domain of a composite function we need to consider the inverse image of the outer function. So we If we want 0<arctan(x)<pi we must have 0<=x as the domain. Next we consider values of cos(arctan(x)) that are possible. That will be the range. 0 excluded from the range of the...
  4. L

    I Can an inverse function of a special cubic function be found?

    ^positive derivative suffices I found an interesting paper that states the general monotonic polynomial is $$a+b\int_0^x \bigg(p_1(u)^2+p_2(u)^2\bigg) du$$ and that it may be proved...
  5. L

    I Can an inverse function of a special cubic function be found?

    Yes they do, in particular they say given two sets A and B the relation R is a subset of their Cartesian product $$R\subset A\times B$$ the inverse of R is defined by $$R^{-1}=\{(b,a)|(a,b)\in R\}$$ If you are more interested in functions it is true that not all functions have full inverses...
  6. L

    I Can an inverse function of a special cubic function be found?

    $$x^2-16$$ has an inverse. The complete inverse is multivalued, so you can chose branches if you like. That is like saying sine or exp don't have inverses, my pocket calculator says they do. I would say $$f^{-1}(0)=\{-4,4\} $$ If want a single valued inverse pick a branch.
  7. L

    I Can an inverse function of a special cubic function be found?

    ^I think the question is if the particular example is easier than the general case. This example is easier, it is a sum of cubes. I don't know what you mean by polynomials don't have an inverse, as they clearly do. The inverse is not a function so we need to choose branches. In this example we...
  8. L

    I Can an inverse function of a special cubic function be found?

    $$f(x)=3x^3 -18x^2 +36x$$ complete the cube $$f(x)=3(x-2)^3 +24$$ There will be three inverses For real values other than two, two preimages are complex
  9. L

    I Can we solve a non-autonomous diffeq via Taylor series?

    That function is not analytic. Its not equal to its Taylor series so you cannot substitute the series for the function.
  10. L

    Show the proof involving multiples of numbers

    I liked it because I liked it. Sometimes I like things that are not perfect. Clearly a simple typo. We all make them. Naming variables conveniently not a the most important technique, but is helpful at times. 4x,4x+4,4x+8,4x+12 is nice I would probably use x-6,x-2,x+2,x+6 instead but it does...
  11. L

    Show the proof involving multiples of numbers

    Well x is a multiple of 2 was used x is a multiple of 4 is not needed
  12. L

    Simplifying the Argument of a Complex Number

    I would let t=arg(z) then z=|z|exp(i t)=exp(i t) $$\mathrm{arg}\left( \frac{1+z^2}{1+\bar{z}^2 }\right)=\mathrm{arg}\left( \frac{1+\exp(2i t)}{1+\exp(-2i t) }\right)$$ $$\mathrm{arg}\left( \frac{1+z^2}{1+\bar{z}^2 }\right)=\mathrm{arg}\left(\exp(2i t)\right)$$
  13. L

    A Solving algebraic equations that cannot be solved in radicals

    In short you need more functions. For example for the quintic see
  14. L

    I How Do You Integrate Expressions Like These?

    It is natural to substitute the contents of the square root. $$u=x^b+3$$ In 3 and 6 we can finish the integral easily. The others we can use elliptic integrals as mathwonk recommends or hypergeometric functions. For example use $$\frac{1}{x^{a+1}\sqrt{x^b+3}}=...
  15. L

    I Proving Goldbach's Conjecture for Math Proofs

    Your proof would be conditional. It would become valid once the conjecture is proven or false if the conjecture is disproven.