Recent content by liron

  1. L

    Momentum of a photon heading towards a spherical mass

    Homework Statement A distant observer is at rest relative to a spherical mass and at a distance where the effects of gravity are negligible. The distant observer sends a photon radially towards the mass. At the distant observer, the photon's frequency is f. What is the momentum relative to...
  2. L

    Radially infalling object - when to use + or - sqrt?

    Homework Statement An object falls radially towards a non rotating black hole from infinity (i.e. the velocity is the same as the escape velocity except negative). The black hole has a Schwarzschild radius of Rs = 2GM/c2 where G is the gravitational constant, M is the black hole's mass and c...
  3. L

    Does Spaghettification contradict space/time swap in a black hole

    Thanks to all the replies. In answer to Simon Bridge's question, I read about spaghettification inside a black hole in a Wikipedia article on Spaghettification. I read and heard about space and time being reversed in an online course on general relativity from Stanford University and...
  4. L

    Does Spaghettification contradict space/time swap in a black hole

    Hi, I've heard and read that if someone was to fall towards a black hole, say feet first, they would undergo spaghettification at a certain distance, as the gravity at their feet would be much greater than the gravity at their head, and their body wouldn't be able to reisist the pulling effect...