Recent content by liamdavis

  1. L

    Fukushima Fukushima, Japan – Constructing an Effective First Response

    There is so much to be said for foresight in disaster management as opposed to reacting to events after the fact. Afterwords there is seldom time to formulate an appropriate response. Let alone locating the necessary materials, the people with skills to implement there use and get all of that to...
  2. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    With respect to the unit 3 reactor pressure vessel. If water were below the fuel, and a significant quantity of corium dropped into it, the volume of steam generated could exceed the capacity of the relief valves and leaks to discharge it. On a graph, a sharp high spike over a short time span...
  3. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    From P418, sorry to be so far behind! I am a little less concerned with the plants being designed for Beyond Design Basis Events because of the amount of time it will take to deal with that. The planned response to Beyond Design Basis Events can be modified in a much shorter time period...
  4. L

    Fukushima Fukushima, Japan – Constructing an Effective First Response

    My response is underlined below. With practice I may be able to do this with greater clarity. Please do not take it as an attack that I responded to the individual parts of your post. You provided fertile ground for response as your line of thought reflected what many others have said. I...
  5. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    Good catch! Since reactor #4 was shut down it is probable that a lot of maintenance was going on that had no relation to the planned shut-down. Many machines might require being taken out of service to do maintenance work and this might not be allowed during operations. A long list of "work to...
  6. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    Sir, to your post 4077 on P255, the northeast corner (bottom-left) appears to have been closest to the origin of the blast. The area closest would have been most closely coupled to the energy of the blast. SWAG mostly, and I apologize for the delayed response. I have been away and not been able...
  7. L

    Fukushima Fukushima, Japan – Constructing an Effective First Response

    Another of the very few articles on the actions taken early in the events of 3-11. Again, I am not looking to bash the folks involved. What lessons are here that drive a model for effective early intervention? What would that look...
  8. L

    Fukushima Fukushima, Japan – Constructing an Effective First Response

    I am going to post the link to an article for comment. There is far too little information on the earliest aspects of this event to learn much from. Any additional information is welcome. liam
  9. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    It seems that the explosions at each plant would leave distinct evidence as to its nature. A shattering (high velocity) explosion should leave some sharp ragged edges on the concrete structure. Where as propellant (low velocity) damage should show erosion. Water turning to steam expands about...
  10. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    Originally Posted by liamdavis Bottles left on when the earthquake hit, toppled or damaged by falling material. The quake was not a single event. As of today 1015 aftershocks since 3-11-11. And there was debris falling from other explosions. Damage to...
  11. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    Bottles left on when the earthquake hit, toppled or damaged by falling material. Within eight hours of total power loss things were going very bad. People had been injured and some (two at Daiichi) were unaccounted for. I do not know if protocol required the maintenance personal or contractor...
  12. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    Speaking about Unit 4, I have posted this position as well. Someone (I apologize, I do not remember who) answered my question about the weight of acetylene. Approximately the same as air, so it would not rise. The more I consider it I would be very surprised if there were not oxy-acetylene...
  13. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    Perhaps translation is part of the problem. It seemed they were citing pump failure as the cause of the generator failure?? I know they also have more important things at hand than my need for information at the moment but they are as sparse with words as I am. Still, I prefer that they be...
  14. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    You are right. We have one and two million gallon tanks at work for fire suppression water and the tank at Pilgrim 1 was not that size. I may have been remembering being told that the need for the generators and fuel was because it could require six months of cooling after the shutdown of an...
  15. L

    Japan Earthquake: Nuclear Plants at Fukushima Daiichi

    With respect to this the information contained in this report. " When I worked on the construction of Pilgrim 1 in 1970 the diesel generators were radiator cooled, each had six starters, each starter had its own energy source and on site was a minimum of six months of fuel. In other...