Recent content by lewando

  1. lewando

    Direction of friction on rolling object

    Why do you claim that this is true?
  2. lewando

    Engineering Is my answer correct? (Mesh Currents)

    The image is unreadable in the center area. You are going to need to fix that. I can make out that you are claiming that I2 is -10 mA. Why is it negative?
  3. lewando

    Engineering Is my method of solving this correct? Superposition theorem

    What confuses me with this convention is how one would know which way the current is flowing through a voltage source unless one figures it out by actual circuit analysis. It is especially not obvious in multi-source circuits. Out of pure curiousity, what symbolic convention do you use for a...
  4. lewando

    Engineering Is my method of solving this correct? Superposition theorem

    I am trying to find an independent reference for this symbol convention--in which countr(y/ies) is this symbol common? Also can you respond to the following question? "Both" is a way of emphasizing or referring to a union of two things. As in "both A and B". It can seem superfluous sometimes...
  5. lewando

    Engineering Is my method of solving this correct? Superposition theorem

    If that is the case, then I question the direction of ##I_k'## result.
  6. lewando

    Engineering Is my method of solving this correct? Superposition theorem

    What is the significance of the arrows on your voltage sources? I assume they indicate polarity, but I am unfamiliar with this notation. Which terminals of the sources have the higher potential?
  7. lewando

    Engineering How to Calculate Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

    I could have been clearer, so my apologies. I did not mean zero resistance. I should have said these are ideal active devices and cannot be modeled a resistor. It is true that for a given DC operating point there will be a voltage across and current through a dependent source leading you to...
  8. lewando

    Engineering How to Calculate Thevenin Equivalent Circuit

    α is just a scale factor for determining the voltage of the CCVS. It happens to have units of ohms, but it is not the internal resistance of the CCVS. A dependent source is like an independent source--it has no internal resistance.
  9. lewando

    Comp Sci Give a CFG for L = { x#y : x,y in {0,1}* |x| ≠ |y| }

    You are free to decompose a language specification into simpler specifications that can be unionized provided that you get the same specification. Your breakdown does not address the '#' terminal. I also don't see where you are getting 0m1n or 1m0n constructs from the original specification.
  10. lewando

    Comp Sci How to build logic to make context free grammar?

    I don't think there is any "logic" to deriving a specific string of terminals from the "rules". I am sure there are exhaustive methods that can be performed by a machine. For us, it is kind of a puzzle.
  11. lewando

    Comp Sci DFA that accepts either ab or ba as substring?

    The English language statement "contains either the substrings ab or ba" is the issue. If you read this as an "inclusive or" then your DFA looks okay. If you read it as an "exclusive or" then it is not okay. Since you are a student and you recognize this potential ambiguity, figure out the...
  12. lewando

    Understanding the Physics of a=0 in u+at

    You need to look no further than v(t), as given in the homework statement. If you still don't see it, plot v(t).
  13. lewando

    Comp Sci Drawing Figures in C++: Put Circle Pattern in Square

    One more thing-- looks like you are printing out the square symbols using loops and stuff, and not really defining a "canvass" of sorts. The example in the previous post makes use of an array to serve as the canvass. When all done with updating the array/canvass with all of your computer...
  14. lewando

    Comp Sci Drawing Figures in C++: Put Circle Pattern in Square

    @phinds is more than right as usual. The fact that you are using ASCII symbol * implies you are doing an "ASCII-art" style image. Updating the search string to "how to draw an ASCII circle in C++", gives you something (among others) like this result. I am not an educator so I do not presume to...
  15. lewando

    Comp Sci Drawing Figures in C++: Put Circle Pattern in Square

    By the way, welcome to PF! Your education will require you to generate ideas and test them. What are your thoughts? What have you tried? What were the results? One thing to stimulate idea generation-- forget about drawing a square (for the moment) and figure out how to draw just a circle.