Recent content by Leo Klem

  1. L

    Deriving Kepler's Law: Negative Sign Explained

    Misunderstandings are the normality, especially if one strives to be concise in dealing with such arguments. My first reaction was against your statement, according to which centrifugal forces appear only in circular orbits (didn’t you say that?). Yesterday, I prepared one page in WORD to recall...
  2. L

    Deriving Kepler's Law: Negative Sign Explained

    First point: it seems that DH, beyond his long reasoning and choreographic show, doesn't know that circle lines belong to the family of ellipses. Second point: it seems that DH hasn’t got the meaning of Newton's second Law, F = ma. This law includes Newton's first law: "Corpus omne perseverare...
  3. L

    Deriving Kepler's Law: Negative Sign Explained

    Yes, the reasoning is substantially correct, for Newton's gravitation law was derived straight from Kepleran laws, basing the reasoning on the equivalence between the centrifugal force due to the planet's revolution with the supposed attraction force exerted by the Sun on the planet.
  4. L

    Is there any updated study on the Moon's orbital plane anomaly?

    I should definitively avoid calculations by means of pocket calculator, especially when I deem the calculation easy. The remark from Krisia made me doubt, and my doubt led me to a further mistake. Yes DH, I've verified my initial statement was correct, and I can also share in principle the...
  5. L

    Is there any updated study on the Moon's orbital plane anomaly?

    Thank you Krisia, thank you DH. I owe both of you - and other readers - my apologies, since I’m afraid that Krisia is right. I made a blunder in copying figures from my pocket calculator. Sun’s and Earth’s gravity accelerations exerted on the Moon are 5.94607*10-4m/s2, and 2.70017*10-3m/s2...
  6. L

    Inclination of planetary orbits

    Thanks to Spacester and DH. I got the answer.
  7. L

    Inclination of planetary orbits

    What you suggest doesn't work, as I've already pointed out, when stating that those data are not sufficient; because there is no criterion to chose whether each particular orbit inclination has to be added or subtracted with/from 7.25 degrees.
  8. L

    Is there any updated study on the Moon's orbital plane anomaly?

    It doesn't seem an explanation to me. By the way, due to its relative size, the Earth-Moon system might be viewed as a unique body with respect to the Sun's mass and distance. The point, however, is that the Earth-Moon system's center of mass doesn't describe a plane orbit, whereas it is...
  9. L

    Is there any updated study on the Moon's orbital plane anomaly?

    According to Newton's law, the attraction exerted by the Sun on the Moon is greater than twice the attraction exerted by the Earth on its satellite, whatever the Moon's position during its motion. Nevertheless, the Moon's orbital plane around the Earth forms a 5.13 degree angle with the...
  10. L

    Inclination of planetary orbits

    Does anyone know the inclination of each planetary orbit (in degrees) with respect to the plane of the Sun's equator-plane?All planetary inclinations are known with respest to the ecliptic, and the ecliptic's inclination is known with rescpect to the Sun's equator (7.25 degrees). Such data...
  11. L

    Non-linear second order equation

    16 August 2009 Many thanks for the attention paid both by "coomast" and by "g_edgar". The solution for x given by "ccomast" is just the point where I too had to stop. Unfortunately, I am not in condition to calculate the integral indicated. Leo Klem
  12. L

    Non-linear second order equation

    I am not able to find the general integral of the following non-linear 2nd order equation: y^2 y'' + a y^3 - b = 0 in which: y = f(x) 0 < a <= 1, is a constant b > 0 , is a constant.
  13. L

    Are galaxies of antimatter identifiable?

    12 August 2009 My question relates to the search for antimatter in the cosmic space. As far as many laymen know, the composition of the material ingredients of galaxies is detected through spectroscopic analysis (i.e. through the analysis of the electromagnetic waves emitted). Considering...