Recent content by lenilein

  1. lenilein

    Massflow of steam to be supplied to a drying cylinder

    First of all, THANK YOU for these many replies! It is quite overwhelming to get so much support in a short time and to even read contributions from paper experts :) Here my answers to your suggestions and comments: - @Chestermiller : as @russ_watters rightly guessed the .001 corresponds to the...
  2. lenilein

    Massflow of steam to be supplied to a drying cylinder

    thank you for the comment! I updated my post :)
  3. lenilein

    Massflow of steam to be supplied to a drying cylinder

    Good afternoon, I am trying to calculate the massflow of steam required in a cylinder used for paper drying but I think there is a bug in my calculation and I would love to get your help to find where the issue is! Saturated steam is continuously supplied to a cylinder. The steam condenses in...