Recent content by learis

  1. learis

    B Where Can I find the Einstein vs. Bohr Full Debates

    I've tried every way google searching to find the actual einstein bohr debates. But it's basically just commentary and summaries on them. I want to actually read the debates word for word, as well as any other dialogue the two had between them that was made public. Does anyone have any sources?
  2. learis

    B Trajectory of photon or electron in double slit

    Thank you! That looks right up my alley. I was really interested in what situations quantum mechanics asserts as random probability being the final cause. I'll give it a watch!
  3. learis

    B Trajectory of photon or electron in double slit

    So it doesn't have a particular trajectory after passing through the slit(s)? I'm not sure what the alternative is. Does it have something to do with superposition and having multiple trajectories at once?
  4. learis

    B Trajectory of photon or electron in double slit

    Hello, first post. I recently became interested in quantum physics and its mysteries. To my understanding, In the double slit experiment, the photon or electron will scatter and behave like a wave when both slits are open and neither slit is measured. Over time their cumulative scattering mimics...