Recent content by lazypast

  1. L

    Job Skills Converting a CV to a Resume (from Academia to Industry)

    I can offer some of my thoughts regarding applying for a job in industry. Keep everything in your CV relevant to the job you are applying to. It might be impressive the conferences you've been to and your publications, but I believe a popular position will have too many applicants for a...
  2. L

    Engineering Engineer switching from Mechanical to Marine

    Hi, I've had a longstanding interest in working at sea. The prospect of working as an engineer at sea is quite an exciting one. I have a degree in mechanical engineering and 2 years (non relevant) experience in design and manufacture in the oil and gas industry. Im just wondering if it's...
  3. L

    Mech Engineer to a PhD in Physics

    I went to see my old professor from my Mech Eng degree. I told him my ultimate goal is research in Physics and he said I should just go straight for that, I needn't 'waste' my time do a Masters. I was so happy when he said that. There is a new Physics department starting in my old university so...
  4. L

    Mech Engineer to a PhD in Physics

    Hi cytochrome. Thanks for sharing that. It did occur to me about doing a PhD in mech engineering, and I didn't know QM would play any part in your research. I have a love for physics though and I just want to learn about it, all of it.
  5. L

    Mech Engineer to a PhD in Physics

    Thanks for the replies, I will go through that 'So you want to be a physicist' thread. I think I was too eager about the whole PhD thing. I've taken a step back and would now rather do a Masters in Physics. Some are research masters and some are taught. If I follow my gut feeling I would chose...
  6. L

    Mech Engineer to a PhD in Physics

    Hi, I'm a graduate in Mechanical Engineering (BEng 1st). The idea of further study has interested me for many years but I have never acted on it. Currently after working for a year and a half in the oil and gas industry I have the further education bug again, but I would love to follow it this...
  7. L

    Designing a Beam from Shear Force & Bending Moment Diagram

    Homework Statement We need to design the cross section of a beam to make it suitable to carry a uniformly distributed load. The beam is held up by 4 ropes which are shown on my diagram as R. In the same attached picture I have the shear diagram and the bending moment diagram for this...
  8. L

    Finding the reactions at the supports, 3D model

    Yes I am quite algebraic in my approach, but it's all logic so I have more confidence it's correct. I apprectiate your response. Ive had a think about why you chose a pin joint at E. The EB leg seems only suited to taking a tensile force (z component). Realistically speaking there would be a...
  9. L

    Other Becoming an Engineer: Considerations and Personal Experiences

    Hi, I am an engineer in the oil & gas industry - offshore. I am wondering if anyone can offer any advice on learning a 2nd language suited to o&g/offshore engineering (my first is English). I'd imagine Norwegian would open some doors. Thanks
  10. L

    Finding the reactions at the supports, 3D model

    Homework Statement Hi. See attached, I need to determine the forces in all members. Homework Equations Sum of forces in X, Y & Z all equal 0. Sum of moments in X, Y & Z all equal 0. The Attempt at a Solution I've drawn the reactions at each support, A, B and C in my 2nd attached...
  11. L

    Truss Prob: finding the force in a member

    I have attached my workings out to find the reactions at the supports. Originally I was taking the total external forces at face value (i.e 10kN vertically down) but now I can see because the pulley system support is not connected to the structure there are extra forces. Going back to the...
  12. L

    Truss Prob: finding the force in a member

    Homework Statement The diagram is attached. I must solve using method of sections the force in member HG. Homework Equations ƩF(y) = 0, ƩF(x) = 0, ƩM = 0 The Attempt at a Solution My hand-drawn pic shows the section. Solving vertically, ƩF(y) = 0 F(DG)cos45 = 10 F(DG) =...
  13. L

    Exploring Polymer Blends: Availability and Applications

    While I am far from a specialist in polymers, I have been doing a little reading into them as my company is thinking about using polymers to replace existing materials. Might I suggest asking in the chemistry forum or chemical engineering? If it's not sold then maybe there isn't a market for it...
  14. L

    References for Design Engineers (Must Haves)

    I like this book, mechanics of engineering materials. Can anyone recommend a comprehensive polymer book?
  15. L

    Free Body Diagrams: Easily Analysing Photos & Sketches

    I've been picking things apart. There is 1 question: Why is there no parallel component at the point of contact between the ball and the member? There are parallel forces at all other points on the member. If there were a parallel force, the resultant at C is not horizontal! But I would guess...